Law Enforcement Administration Advanced Technical Certificate (LEA-ATC)

The Law Enforcement Administration ATC is for police personnel or other students with an interest in increasing their knowledge in Law Enforcement Administration.  Admission requires an associate degree from a regionally-accredited college.  The preferred academic pathway into this program is the Criminal Justice Technology Associate of Science degree.  Applicants from other academic pathways should contact the Department of Business to review their academic preparation for this program.  Students interested in this program should contact the Department of Business for more information and course planning.


Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

CJE 3310Law Enforcement Administration I^

3 cc

CJE 3311Law Enforcement Administration II^

3 cc

COM 2100Business Communications^

3 cc

MAN 2021Principles of Management

3 cc

MAN 3303Theories of Leadership

3 cc

MAN 3353Management Theory

3 cc

MAN 3350Training & Development

3 cc

MAN 4113Managing Diversity

3 cc

MAN 4301Human Resource Administration

3 cc

MNA 1300Human Resource Management

3 cc

PAD 4046Values, Ethics and Conflict Resolution^

3 cc

Total Credit Hours: 33
