Accounting Technology Associate in Science (ACCT-AS)

Provides the education and skill development to prepare the students for entry-level employment in accounting or bookkeeping or to provide supplemental training for persons previously or currently employed in these areas. The knowledge and training acquired in this program can also be applied to many other managerial or supervisory positions in business and government. Students should consult a business advisor when choosing electives.

Degree Requirements

General Education Courses (15 hours)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

Humanities Elective (Category II)**

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics***

3 cc


MAC 1105College Algebra^***

3 cc


higher math

General Elective (Category V)***

3 cc

Unless specific courses are listed, see general education page for course options in each category.

Foundation Courses (16 hours)

ACG 2001Accounting I

3 cc

ACG 2011Accounting II^

3 cc

CGS 1570Computer Concepts and Applications

3 cc

GEB 1011Introduction to Business

3 cc

LIS 1004Introduction to Internet Research~

1 cc

SPC 1608Public Speaking#

3 cc

Intermediate Courses (18 hours)

CGS 2510Spreadsheet^

3 cc

COM 2100Business Communications^

3 cc

ACO 1806Payroll Accounting^

3 cc

BUL 2241Business Law

3 cc

FIN 2100Personal Finance and Money Management

3 cc

GEB 2430Business Ethics

3 cc

Advanced Courses (12 hours)

ACG 2071Introduction to Managerial Accounting^

3 cc

ACG 2002Computerized Accounting^

3 cc

APA 2147Accounting Software Applications^

3 cc

TAX 2000Income Tax Procedures^

3 cc

Electives (3 hours)

Choose 3 credit hours from the following course prefixes: ACG or ACO.

Total: 64

"B" average required on all accounting courses.
