Business Administration Associate in Science (BUS-AS)

Provides students with a broad foundation in all areas of business and completion of this program will prepare students to seek employment in various business fields.  This program includes the management specialization outcomes defined in the Florida Department of Education Curriculum Frameworks.  The Business Administration AS program is the preferred academic pathway into the Administration and Supervision baccalaureate degree program at Pensacola State College.

Degree Requirements

General Education Courses (15 hours)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (Category II)***

3 cc

ECO 2013Macroeconomics***

3 cc

STA 2023Elementary Statistics^*

3 cc

General Elective (Category V)***

3 cc

Unless specific courses are listed, see general education page for course options in each category.

Foundation Courses (18 hours)

ACG 2021Financial Accounting Principles

3 cc

GEB 1011Introduction to Business

3 cc

CGS 1570Computer Concepts and Applications

3 cc

MNA 1300Human Resource Management

3 cc

MNA 1161Customer Service

3 cc


SLS 1353Generations at Work

3 cc


SPC 1608Public Speaking#

3 cc


Student must select SLS 1353 or SPC 1608.  Students planning to complete a baccalaureate degree in Business should take SPC1608.

Intermediate Courses (18 hours)

ACG 2071Introduction to Managerial Accounting^

3 cc

BUL 2241Business Law

3 cc

COM 2100Business Communications^

3 cc

MAN 2021Principles of Management

3 cc

MAR 2011Marketing

3 cc

GEB 2112Entrepreneurship

3 cc

Advanced Courses (9 hours)

GEB 2139E-Business Management

3 cc

GEB 2430Business Ethics

3 cc

MNA 2100Human Relations

3 cc


Total: 60
