Photographic Technology Associate in Science (PHOTO-AS)

This program is meant to train students for careers in the current and emerging fields of commercial/artistic photography in all its forms, from wet-chemistry to digital procedures in both color and black/white. Emphasis is placed on technical competence, aesthetics and creative approach.

Degree Requirements

General Education (15 hours)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

ARH 2000Humanities Art. (For Non-Art Majors)***

3 cc

Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective (Category III)**

3 cc

Natural Sciences/Mathematics Elective (Category IV) **

3 cc

General Elective (Category V)***

3 cc

Unless specific courses are listed, see general education page for course options in each category.

Foundation Courses (15 hours)

ART 1201CTwo-Dimensional Design

3 cc

PGY 2401CPhotography I

3 cc

GRA 2151CComputer Graphics I

3 cc

ART 1300CDrawing I

3 cc


SPC 1608Public Speaking#

3 cc


SPC 2300Interpersonal Communication#

3 cc

Intermediate Courses (15 hours)

PGY 1000History of Photography

3 cc

PGY 1110CColor, Materials, and Methods^

3 cc

PGY 2201CPhotographic Lighting Techniques^

3 cc

PGY 2404CPhotography II^

3 cc

PGY 2801CDigital Photography I^

3 cc

Advanced Courses (15 hours)

PGY 2220CCommercial Photography ^

3 cc

PGY 2272CPhotography Seminar^

3 cc

PGY 2107CLarge Format Camera^

3 cc

PGY 2802CDigital Photography II^

3 cc

ART 2905Portfolio

3 cc

Electives (4 hours)

Choose 4 credit hours from any ART, GRA, or PGY prefix courses only.

Total: 64
