Undergraduate programs

The undergraduate program in business administration adheres to the principle that in a free society the business enterprise must be responsibly and efficiently managed. The undergraduate degree program includes both business and non-business courses. The mission of the undergraduate program is to provide students with a broad understanding of business and to equip them with the dynamic skills required to work successfully in a complex and changing global environment.

Special emphasis options are available within the business administration major and are designed to prepare students for positions in accounting, advertising, finance, human resource management, management & leadership, marketing, and supply chain management.  A business minor is available for all non-business majors as is the advertising minor for graphic design or communications majors. Certificates in entrepreneurship, food industry management, the athletic and outdoor industry, international business, social innovation and social entrepreneurship are also available. The School of Business offers study abroad opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The School of Business offers an Online Business Degree Program. Tailored for the student who works full time, the program allows students to complete their junior and senior years of the business program, two courses per term in three years. Students enrolled in the Online Business Degree Program will complete the full curriculum of standard business courses required for a bachelor’s degree in business with an option in Management & Leadership or Supply & Logistics Management. Admission and requirements for this program are similar to the traditional undergraduate program.

Student advising

Undergraduate academic and career advisors will be located in the University Center Building room 486 for the 2016-2017 academic year due to construction.  Current information about degree requirements for students in the School of Business Administration is available there. Students should make appointments with their advisor at least once a year to ensure that requirements are being met. For program option planning and career counseling, students may make an appointment with SBA academic and career advisors.

The School of Business Administration Web site, http://www.pdx.edu/sba/, contains announcements concerning policies, upcoming activities, scholarships, and other information vital to all business students. Information about student organizations, internships, and career opportunities can also be found there.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Business Administration B.A./B.S.

Business Administration Minor

Advertising Management Minor for Graphic Design Majors

Advertising Minor for Communications Majors

Advertising Management Minor for Graphic Design Majors

The advertising management minor for graphic design majors provides critical marketing and advertising business skills to students who plan careers in the graphic design field. The six courses in the minor provide exposure to and understanding of advertising and marketing principles, including marketing’s role in business, consumer behavior, identifying target markets, creative and media strategy development, and promotional campaign planning. All courses must be graded, the minimum passing grade for the Advertising Management Minor courses is a C-.


Interested students should contact their advisor in the School of Business Administration Undergraduate Programs Office to plan out the required courses. Courses in the minor include:


BA 311Marketing Management


Mktg 340UAdvertising


Mktg 363Consumer Behavior and Customer Satisfaction


Mktg 442Creative Strategy


Mktg 443Advertising Campaigns


One 400-level Mktg elective


Total Credit Hours: 24