Undergraduate program

Advisers: K. Felipe, L. Marsh, B. Alberts, J. Rousseau, P. Harrison, T. Lewis, M. Dyson, M. Yates, L. Shatzer.

Degree Maps and Learning Outcomes

Admission requirements

Interdisciplinary Studies B.A./B.S.

Bilingual Teacher Pathway program

Interdisciplinary Studies B.A./B.S.

Arts and Letters

The arts and letters academic distribution area consists of courses taken in applied linguistics, architecture, art, black studies (BSt 221, BSt 351U, BSt 352U, BSt 353U, BSt 421, BSt 425U, BSt 426U only), chicano/latino studies (ChLa 302U, ChLa 330U, ChLa 411, ChLa 414 only) communication, conflict resolution, English, world languages and literatures, music, philosophy, and theater arts.


The science academic distribution area consists of courses taken in biology, chemistry, environmental studies, geography (only Geog 210, Geog 310U, Geog 311U, Geog 312U, Geog 313U, Geog 314U, Geog 320, Geog 322U, Geog 333U, Geog 340U, Geog 380U, Geog 407, Geog 413, Geog 414, Geog 418, Geog 420, Geog 475, Geog 481, Geog 482, Geog 484, Geog 485, Geog 488, Geog 489, Geog 490, Geog 492, Geog 493, Geog 494, Geog 495, Geog 496, and Geog 497), geology, mathematics/statistics, physics, and science education.

Social Science

The social science academic distribution area consists of courses taken in criminology and criminal justice, anthropology, black studies (except BSt 221, BSt 351U, BSt 352U, BSt 353U, BSt 421, BSt 425U, BSt 426U), chicano/latino studies (ChLa 201, ChLa 301U, ChLa 303U, ChLa 375U, ChLa 380U, ChLa 399, ChLa 450U only), child and family studies, economics, geography (only Geog 230, Geog 240, Geog 321, Geog 331U, Geog 332U, Geog 345U, Geog 346U, Geog 347U, Geog 348U, Geog 349U, Geog 350U, Geog 351U, Geog 352U, Geog 353U, Geog 354U, Geog 355U, Geog 356U, Geog 360U, Geog 363U, Geog 364U, Geog 366U, Geog 368U, Geog 415, Geog 425, Geog 430, Geog 432, Geog 442, Geog 445, Geog 446, Geog 447, Geog 448, Geog 450, Geog 453, Geog 462, Geog 465, and Geog 480), history, international studies, indigenous nations studies, political science, psychology, religious studies, sociology, urban studies and planning, and women, gender, and sexuality studies.

In addition to meeting all of the non-major and general education baccalaureate degree requirements, a student in one of the above majors must complete 52 credits in one of the following areas: arts and letters or science or social science. A minimum of 32 of the 52 credits must be upper-division with at least 8 upper-division credits in each of two departments. In addition to 52 credits, all students must take Wr 323 or a Writing Intensive course for a total of 56 credits.


Upper-division credits from one department in the major academic area


Upper-division credits from a second department in the major academic area


Additional upper division credits from any department(s) in the major academic area


Additional credits in the major academic area



Wr 323Writing as Critical Inquiry



WIC course


Total Credit Hours: 56

Liberal Studies

A student majoring in liberal studies must complete the general University requirements (except general education requirements), either Wr 323 or an approved Writing Intensive Course, and the following requirements for the liberal studies major:


Upper-division credits from the arts and letters, science and/or social science academic distribution areas


4 credits Wr 323, or an approved Writing Intensive Course which can be included in the 81 upper-division requirements.

Courses used to satisfy the major requirements, whether taken at PSU or elsewhere, must be graded C- or above. A maximum of 12 credits may be graded P.

Students majoring in Liberal Studies and also in a second major must meet the general education requirement and the upper-division requirement in the academic distribution areas for the second major.