Engineering and Technology Management

LL Suite 50-02, Fourth Avenue Building


  • M.S.—Engineering and Technology Management
  • M.Eng.—Technology Management
  • M.Eng.—Project Management
  • M.Eng.—Manufacturing Engineering Management
  • Ph.D.—Technology Management
  • Graduate Certificates

Strong management skills are increasingly important to technical professionals. Managing R&D projects, technological systems, technical organizations and resources, and other professionals requires management knowledge and skills.

Engineers and scientists are faced with these challenges very early in their careers. Typically, within three to seven years after graduation, they find themselves addressing complex issues which necessitate that they play two roles simultaneously: the role of the specialist and the manager of technology. Those who choose the management path start moving toward management responsibilities while maintaining identity in their technical backgrounds - the Department of Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) has been designed for them.

The Department of Engineering and Technology Management addresses the needs of engineers and scientists whose objective is to advance to technical management positions in business, industry, or government. We also address the needs of those wishing to continue their engineering/technology management research-based studies while pursuing careers at either academic institutions or R&D organizations.

ETM draws on the strengths of the Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, the School of Business Administration, and several other relevant academic disciplines. By utilizing the diverse faculty resources of Portland State University, the program offers the opportunity to study the human, technical, and analytical aspects of management.

Most of the courses in the program are offered during the evening hours to fit the schedule of practicing professionals.

Admission requirements

Engineering and Technology Management M.S.

Technology Management, Project Management, and Manufacturing Engineering Management M.S.E.

Technology Management Ph.D.

Graduate Certificates

Eng Tech Management Courses

Engineering and Technology Management, M.S.

A minimum of 52 credits in approved graduate courses is required to complete the Master of Science degree in Engineering and Technology Management. The program consists of 28 credits in the core, 4 credits (or 8 with thesis option) in the capstone requirement, and 20 credits (or 16 with thesis option) in electives.


Core courses

ETM 520Management of Engineering and Technology


ETM 522Communication and Team Building


ETM 530Decision Making


ETM 535Advanced Engineering Economics


ETM 540Operations Research


ETM 545Project Management


ETM 555Technology Marketing


Capstone requirement (one of the following; 4 credits or 8 credits with thesis option):

ETM 506Capstone Project


ETM 590Engineering and Technology Management Synthesis


ETM 503M.S. Thesis


Electives (20 credits or 16 credits with the thesis option)

The Engineering and Technology Management Department offers a wide range of elective courses. In addition, students may choose electives in several other programs throughout the University with the approval of their adviser.