EDU 601 Issues, Trends, and Research in Autism

This course provides an overview of the needs and education of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Among the areas explored in this course are: a review of the historical background; causes and diagnosis; signs, symptoms, and characteristics; strategies in education, social interactions, and language development; education-related laws and rights; impact on family dynamics and parent support. In addition the course will include current trends pertaining to Autism Spectrum Disorder.


EDU 603 Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Science

Focuses on issues, trends, and research in teaching science in the elementary school. Emphasis on individual readings and seminar discussions, using primary and secondary sources of research.


EDU 605 Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Language

Focuses on the structure and organization of English language arts programs; examination of past and current research; and evaluation of current programs. Emphasis on individual readings and seminar discussions, using primary and secondary sources of research.


EDU 611 Advanced Seminar in Elementary Education

Individual research on problems of special interest, under the guidance of one or more faculty members.


EDU 613 Literacy Interventionist Practicum II

The course is the another of four practicum courses to train Candidates as reading specialists who provide reading intervention through individualized, assessment- based and learner-orientated instruction. Candidates move to mastery of interventionist skills as the course emphasizes impact on student learning. Candidates also practice their literacy coaching and leadership skills with classroom teachers and parents.



(EDU 552 or EDU 652) and (EDU 554 or EDU 653) and EDU 583

EDU 614 Principles of School Administration and Leadership

The first level administrative course is designed to provide students with an introduction to school leadership theory and practice and the structure of education at the local, state and national level. The role of the administrator as a service agent for instruction and his/her function as the coordinator of school programs will be emphasized. Students will construct their perception of the role of the principal with an emphasis on the diverse and sometimes conflicting responsibilities. The paradox of the principalship, the need to be both an effective leader and manager, will be emphasized.


EDU 615 School Building Leader

The course explores the nature, responsibilities, and developing status of elementary and secondary principals and supervisors. The course is designed to provide an exploration of the issues of school culture, leadership, change theory, and data analysis as they relate to school leadership in P-12 education. Course content will focus on creating a culture of learning, investigating the elements of effective leadership, and planning for school improvement.


EDU 616 Supervision I: Theory/Practice

The course is designed to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of supervision. Course content will focus on developing the skills an effective supervisor uses in recruiting, selecting, observing, evaluating, and conferencing with teachers in order to improve instruction. In addition, students will explore models of effective teaching and critically review laws, policies, and administrative regulations regarding teacher supervision and evaluation.


EDU 617 Supervision II: Supervision to Improve Instruction

The course provides an overview of the theory and practice of supervising instructional programs with an emphasis on reviewing data and revising curriculum to improve student outcomes. Course content focuses on developing the skills an effective supervisor uses in organizing and working with groups to improve instruction. The role of the school leader in building learning communities that support instructional improvement will be emphasized. The course content and activities will focus on the curriculum revision process with an emphasis on the role of standards, best practice, professional development and assessment. Students will review the history of curriculum in the United States. In addition the need for curriculum to be responsive to the special needs presented by students' background will be investigated.


EDU 618 Internship I: Educational Leadership

The field experience provides the opportunity to directly participate in the activities related to the functions of a school administrator/supervisor/leader in a school district. Candidates attend seminars to discuss leadership issues and explore topics raised by their experiences in the field.


EDU 619 Internship II: Educational Leadership

The field experience provides the continuing opportunity to directly participate in the activities related to the functions of a school administrator/supervisor/leader with an emphasis on community, district policy, board of education, legislation, evaluation and communication. Candidates attend seminars to discuss leadership issues and explore topics raised by their experiences in the field.


EDU 620 Public School Finance

The course focuses on the factors associated with the financial support of public education at the local, state and national levels. The analysis and study of legislation, Commissioner's Decisions, Board of Cooperative Education (BOCES) and regulations as they pertain to the support of programs that lead to the development of local budgets as an educational objective of the school district, Board of Education and the community will be studied.


EDU 624 Contemporary Problems in School Leadership

The course is devoted to the intensive study of selected current or emerging problems in administration, supervision and leadership. The course will explore significant issues involving: the Politics of Education; studies in Administrative Leadership; School - Community Relations; Collective Negotiations; School Personnel; Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.


EDU 625 Early Childhood Curriculum

Focuses on educational experiences for children; parent involvement; health, psychological, and social services; planning and adaptation of facilities; utilization of materials and equipment; and development of internal program evaluation.


EDU 626 Public School Law

The course is devoted to the study of law and the principles of law as they apply to organization and administration of education at the local, state and national levels. Special attention to the laws, rules, regulations and court decisions that influence district employees, policy, administrative operations and the community will be emphasized. The use of negotiation strategies to reach agreement will be studied.


EDU 627 Multicultural Children’s Literature and Technology

The course provides an overview of children's literature from the perspectives of genre, critical literacy, censorship, readability, instructional resource, and multiculturalism. The course also examines literature in non-print forms both for reading and as a product of student writing. The course emphasis is on using a variety of materials and multicultural texts to assist student readers and writers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.



EDU 628

EDU 628 Reading Specialist Practicum

The course is a field-based practicum taken at the same time as the Multicultural Children’s Literature and Technology course. It provides Candidates with a minimum of 25 hours of practicum as reading specialist, literacy coach and program leader with classroom teachers and parents.



(EDU 552 or EDU 652) and (EDU 554 or EDU 653) and EDU 583 and EDU 613


EDU 627

EDU 629 Issues, Trends, and Research in Early Childhood Education

Explores basic issues in early childhood education, current trends, and past and current research.


EDU 630 Educational Administration Special Topics

Advanced course devoted to the analysis of one topic, which may be selected from the following: Creating Safe and Productive Schools, The Politics of Education, Studies in Administrative Leadership, School-Community Relations, Collective Negotiations, School Personnel Administration, Administering Innovation Programs, or Management Objectives.


EDU 633 Literacy in the Content Areas

The course explores reading and writing in discipline-specific areas including science, social studies, and mathematics. The course also places a strong emphasis on close reading of expository texts and analysis of test data as a tool for planning instruction.


EDU 635 Curriculum Development in Social Studies Education

Investigates basic principles in curriculum development in elementary social studies. Examines current social studies curricula and materials. Students develop social studies curriculum projects of special interest.


EDU 636 Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary School Social Studies

Examines the structure and organization of social studies programs. Focuses on past and current issues, trends, and research in social studies education; and evaluation of current social studies programs.


EDU 637 Psychological Foundations of Literacy

The course presents knowledge about basic psychological, cognitive foundations of reading, writing, spelling, and viewing. It addresses linguistic components that are essential for Candidates to know in order to provide literacy instruction and intervention to the increasingly diverse group of learners in today's classrooms. The course also prepares Candidates to take the New York State Content Specialty Test (CST) for Literacy.


EDU 640 Issues, Trends, and Research in Elementary (Childhood) Mathematics

Examines issues and trends in elementary school mathematics programs. Reviews components of modern programs in elementary school mathematics, based on an examination of experimental programs, trends, and current materials. Focuses on content, instructional materials, procedures, and evaluation of current programs.


EDU 642 Activity-Oriented Elementary Mathematics

Prepares teachers to teach elementary mathematics through laboratory and learner-oriented activities. Class members prepare laboratory materials, kits, and activity-type lessons for their own classrooms.


EDU 643 Math Assessment in Support of All Learners

Investigation and interpretation of assessment strategies and evaluation methods in mathematics education. Includes the study of current state assessments in mathematics as well as the design and use of criteria to evaluate performance in mathematics and their application to understanding and diagnosing learning difficulties in mathematics. Examines the role of assessment in making instructional decisions. Current research on mathematics assessment is also examined.


EDU 651 Issues and Research in Literacy

The course provides Candidates with an opportunity to analyze issues in the field of literacy and the research connected to them. The course is also the pre-requisite to the Literacy Program capstone project course and requires Candidates to select their capstone topic and write a proposal for that project.



EDU 570 and EDU 583 and EDU 652

EDU 655 Clinical Applications of Literacy Instruction

In the third clinical course, candidates apply multiple literacy and instructional techniques to enhance student's decoding, comprehension, and writing. The course addresses candidates in both elementary and secondary literacy programs.



EDU 583 and EDU 613

EDU 659 Master's Thesis/Project in Literacy

The course is the capstone for the graduate literacy program and is designed to help Candidates refine their skills in the analysis and evaluation of research and the process of conducting educational research. Candidates should have completed at least 27 credit hours of their program, including EDU 651 or EDU 660, before registering for the course.



EDU 570 or EDU 651 or EDU 660

EDU 660 Conducting Educational Research

Focuses on the development of a research or curriculum project proposal. Eighteen (18) graduate credit hours must be completed.



EDU 570

EDU 662 Policy Development, Politics and Ethical Practices

The course is specifically developed for candidates interested in the School District Leadership Certificate. Candidates must have completed all sections of the School Building Leadership requirements. Emphasis on school district policy development, its legal references, local, state, judicial and federal influences and regional implications on personnel, students and community and the board of education will be explored. Political entities that influence administrative and board of education decisions will be explored. The ethical dilemmas between what is legal and what is ethical will be researched and rational positions developed.


EDU 664 Governance, Media and Crisis Management

The course is specifically developed for candidates interested in the School District Leadership Certificate. Candidates must have completed all sections of the School Building Leadership requirements. Emphasis on central office administration, coordination of other municipal entities, local, state and federal regulatory agencies will be studied. Board of education/central administration coordination and communication, evaluation and planning will be studied with emphasis on positive district communication, coordination and public/taxpayer relations. The study of and the implementation of district crisis plans and adherence will also be studied.


EDU 670 Independent Study: Curriculum and Instruction

Provides advanced graduate students the opportunity to work individually on problems of special concern not otherwise available through regular course offerings under the direction of a qualified faculty member. Emphasis on Curriculum and Instruction.


EDU 671 ESOL/BE Practicum & Supervision 20 Day

A field assignment to teach ESOL/BE (K-12): Candidates with current K-6 certificates are assigned to grades 7-12. Candidates with current 7-12 certificates are assigned to grades K-6. Candidates without current certification are assigned to both K-6 and 7-12 settings Candidates with current certification complete a 20 day assignment. Supervision is provided on a one-to-one basis at the practicum site. Arrangements are made by the Office of Field Experiences. Open only to candidates in the TESOL MSEd and TESOL & BE CAS programs. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of EDU 518, 519, 540, 568, 569 & ongoing recommendation of Department of Language, Learning & Leadership.



EDU 518 and EDU 519 and EDU 540 and EDU 568 and EDU 569

EDU 672 Independent Study: Language, Learning, and Leadership

Provides advanced graduate students the opportunity to work individually on problems of special concern not otherwise available through regular course offerings under the direction of a qualified faculty member. Emphasis on Language, Learning, and Leadership.


EDU 673 ESOL/BE Practicum &Supervision (40 day)

A field assignment to teach ESOL/BE (K-12): Candidates with current K-6 certificates are assigned to grades 7-12. Candidates with current 7-12 certificates are assigned to grades K-6. Candidates without current certification are assigned to both K-6 and 7-12 settings. Candidates without current certification complete two 20 day assignments. Supervision is provided on a one-to-one basis at the practicum site. Arrangements are made by the Office of Field Experiences. Open only to candidates in the TESOL MSEd and TESOL & BE CAS programs. Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of EDU 518, 519, 540, 568, 569 & ongoing recommendation of Department of Language, Learning & Leadership.



EDU 518 and EDU 519 and EDU 540 and EDU 568 and EDU 569

EDU 674 Bilingual Education (BE) Practicum & Supervision- 20 Day

This course provides classroom instruction and field experience for educators of English language learners. It provides a supervised student teaching experience for graduate students who are already certified in an approved area of education (20 day placement ) and for those graduate students who are earning their initial certificat ion in TESOL pre-K-12 (40 day placement). Students are placed in an approved ESL/BE classroom at a grade level appropriate to ensuring they have experience across the pre-K-12 levels. All effort will be made to place those students already holding an early childhood or childhood certificate in a middle school or secondary school (grades 5-12) and students already holding a middle school or adolescent certificate in an elementary school setting (grades K-6). The field placement shall be for five days per week until your placement requirements have been fulfilled. This means for those students with prior certification, a 20 day placement is required. For those with no prior teaching certification, a 40 day placement is required. Classroom theory is applied to field practice. Students will be observed by a field supervisor a minimum of two times for a 20 day placement and three times for a 40 day placement.


EDU 680 Master's Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive examination is one of the capstone options for candidates in the Curriculum and Instruction, Literacy Education: Birth-Grade 6, and Literacy Education: Grades 5-12 programs. It is a three-part, intensive written examination in the areas of education research, foundational studies (psychology, sociology, exceptionality, and diversity), and content area pedagogy. Examinations are tentatively administered on the first Saturday of December, March, and August, but examination dates are subject to change. The course is graded S/U and may be repeated once if a grade of U is earned. Prerequisite: Enrollment in final semester of graduate study or approval of the Dean of the College of Education.


EDU 690 Master's Thesis/Project

Research including the preparation of a project, essay, or thesis.



EDU 660

EDU 691 Master's Thesis/Project

Research involving the preparation of a project, essay, or thesis.
