SOC 300 Research Methods

A course concerned with knowing; emphasis is placed on the evaluation of information and the research process: conceptualization, design, measurement, and data collections methods of survey, experiment and observation are discussed.



SOC 116 and (SOC 200 or BUAD 200 or ECON 200 or EDU 200 or POLI 200 or PSY 200 or STAT 200)

SOC 303 Social Class and Inequality

Examines the sources, forms, and consequences of social inequality, with major emphasis on social stratification in the United States. Emphasis on social class, but also includes racial and ethnic stratification, and gender inequality. Also analyses on debate over the inevitability of inequality, and examines related issues in social policy.



SOC 116

SOC 306 Sex and Gender

Description and analysis of sex and gender roles and relationships from a variety of societies at different levels of socio-cultural complexity. Note: Also listed as ANTH 300 and WOST 302.



SOC 116 or ANTH 115 or ANTH 219

SOC 310 Sociology of Deviant Behavior

Covers theoretical and empirical issues in the sociological understanding of deviant behavior. Research studies of several forms of career deviance analyzed and critiqued: suicide, skid row, addiction, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness, physical handicaps.



SOC 116

SOC 311 Sociology of Addiction

Examination of all that behavior which has come to be identified as addiction including tobacco smoking, alcoholism, substance abuse, eating disorders and gambling. An analysis of competing theories of addiction and treatment. The political, economic and social ramifications of addiction control.



SOC 116

SOC 312 Plagues and Peoples

The course explores the impact of disease on human populations in terms of demographic, cultural and social changes. The rise of health care delivery systems is addressed as a response to epidemics. Examples include the bubonic plague of the 14th and 17th centuries, cholera, influenza, polio and AIDS. Note: Also listed as ANTH 301.



SOC 116 or ANTH 115

SOC 316 Minority Groups

Study of discrimination against ethnic groups (race, religion, national origins); major groupings within the U.S. such as blacks, Jews, Native Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans. Ethnic relations in countries throughout the world, with an emphasis on the impact of colonialism on ethnic relations.



SOC 116

SOC 320 Family Sociology

Overview of sociological perspectives on the family; emphasis on current state of the family in society. Topics include premarital sexual behavior and attitudes; dynamics of mate selection; marriage as an institution; marriage and sex roles; family dynamics (parenthood, childhood, family politics, violence in the family, divorce, etc.); marriage and the family as a subjective reality; alternative family forms; and the future of the family. Relationship between family and other social institutions.



SOC 116

SOC 321 Population and Society

An introduction to social demography, the course provides an overview of the three basic demographic processes: fertility, mortality, and migration. It evaluates the relationships among these population processes and their interaction with population structures and characteristics, such as age, sex, marital status, race/ethnicity, social class and religion. It also examines contemporary social issues associated with the population processes, including equality, aging, urbanization, women and household structure, economic development and environmental concerns.



SOC 116

SOC 331 Anthropology of American Utopias

An examination of the background conditions producing utopias and an ethnographic/historical analysis of selected utopian ventures (e.g. Amish, Shakers, Counterculture Communes).



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116 or HIST 105 or HIST 106

SOC 335 Sociology of Sport

Introduction to sport as a social institution; social function of sport; sport and culture, schools, and socialization; sport and women, race, and ethnic groups; sport and mass media; sport and stratification and social change.



SOC 116

SOC 337 Sociology of Aging

In-depth overview of social gerontology, focusing on aging in modern societies. How major institutional changes affect the aged. Review of major problems: status as a minority, retirement adjustment, income, social attitude towards the aged, kinship and other roles.



SOC 116

SOC 338 Sociology of Death and Dying

Examines the growing body of sociological and social psychological literature on humankind's last major status passage. Institutions which structure death are considered and the processes accompanying dying are investigated. Cross-cultural as well as American death phenomena are included.



SOC 116

SOC 340 Medical Sociology

Examines the social psychology of health and illness, social epidemology and the social correlates of illness, and the organization of health care, including the doctor-patient relationship, the health professionals, and health institutions.



SOC 116

SOC 342 Food and Culture

This course offers a critical look at the role of foodways in human prehistory, history, and contemporary life. Food is examined as an integral part of culture in terms of creating social bonds, identity, economies, and political systems. These issues are explored through diverse topics such as gender, food taboos, ethnicity, industrialization, human health, and the environment. The course includes discussion of attempts to address problems related to food by looking at policy, technologies, and movements towards sustainable food systems.



ANTH 115 or ANTH 219 or SOC 116

SOC 345 Women, Health and Society

Examines ways in which health and illness for women are defined and managed. Topics include the medicalization of pregnancy and birth, adolescence and sexuality, addiction, mental health, menopause, body image, and, women as health care providers.



SOC 116

SOC 350 Special Topics

Special topics in sociology not covered in detail by regular courses and not offered on a regular basis.



SOC 116

SOC 361 Law in the World

Compares criminal law and justice systems of a variety of contemporary societies. Details characteristics of common law, civil law, and socialist law legal systems as contexts to explore the practices of specific countries. Examines crime patterns across countries.



SOC 116

SOC 363 Victimology

Introduction to the study of victim-criminal relationships. Issues of conceptual and empirical interest covered include: history of the status of victims of crime in Western criminal justice systems; sociological characteristics of victims; victim-risk; victim-precipitated crimes; and victim compensation programs.



SOC 116

SOC 364 Juvenile Delinquency

An examination of delinquent behavior and its distribution in society. Topical issues discussed include the juvenile justice system, theories of delinquency, and methods of social control of this behavior.



SOC 116

SOC 365 Family Violence

The variety of forms of family violence child abuse, partner abuse, and elder abuse are examined with regard to its range and scope as well as legal and cultural issues. Explanations of and societal responses to the phenomena are detailed and evaluated. Junior standing required.



SOC 116

SOC 380 Sociological Theory

The evolution of sociological theory is traced from the traditions established by Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Mead through contemporary phenomenological, critical, feminist, postmodern, and late modern schools of thought in order to understand the different assumptions and claims about what human beings are like, what society is, and what society can know about the two that have arisen in different social contexts.



SOC 116 and SOC 202