SPMG 210 Principles of Sports Management

The course provides the student with an overview of the basic philosophies, principles and organizational structure of sport programs. The course will cover leadership, communications, business structure, marketing, management styles, sportsmanship, ethical behavior, diversity, liability, and child abuse. The course further explores career opportunities and the skills needed to manage sport programs ranging from youth sports to professional sports.


SPMG 211 Facility Management

The course is designed to provide the students with comprehensive knowledge on the operation and management of sport facilities. It covers mastering of facilities planning, design, management liability, personnel management, supervision and health and safety. Program promotion, facility scheduling and fundraising will also be covered in the course.



SPMG 210

SPMG 212 Event Management

The course will provide comprehensive information on sport event management. The students will gain an understanding of the key components of organizing, marketing, and planning of on-campus intercollegiate athletic events. After several weeks of instruction, students will be responsible for the coordination, supervision, and progression toward the management of on-campus athletic events during the semester.



SPMG 210

SPMG 218 Technology in Sports

The course introduces the student to the fundamentals of videoing and video editing utilizing the Dartfish Software platforms. Additionally the course covers video breakdown for game strategy, situations, sound and music enhancements and creating highlight and recruiting videos. Further exploration includes the use of technology in a variety of sport contexts including social media and the evolving role of technology in the sport industry.



CSIT 104 or CSIT 151

SPMG 220 Health Sciences Applied to Coaching

The course will fulfill the NYSED Health Sciences Applied to Coaching requirement for certification as a coach in New York State. The components for certification include a basic knowledge of health sciences, including anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, human growth and development and maturation, risk minimization, sport-specific fitness and conditioning, and coaching psychology.



HLTH 115

SPMG 221 Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education

The course will fulfill the NYSED Philosophy, Principles and Organization of Athletics in Education requirement for certification as a coach in New York State. The components for certification include a basic knowledge of coaching philosophy, and principles and organization of associations and leagues. Child maltreatment and abuse are also covered in the course.


SPMG 230 Sport in American Culture

This course examines the philosophical and sociological foundations of sport and sport management in America. Through lecture, small and large group discussions, film, personal reflection, and research, students will explore the people, ideas, places, and events that have influenced current notions of sport. Students will be challenged to reflect upon the meaning of sport as a human activity, develop their own personal philosophy, and explore various philosophical and sociological issues in American sport. The course content is in line with recommendations of the relevant professional associations regarding the philosophy and sociology of sport management.


Cross Listed Courses

* Indicates that the course can be taken in the same semester

SPMG 250 Digital Marketing for Sport Management

The course will introduce students to digital marketing technologies associated with sport management. It will discuss business models, media best practices, building fan communities, construction of marketing web sites, online security and payment systems, and inbound marketing. Guerilla marketing, third party online retail and distribution options, online press, promotion, and advertising options, analytics and measurement, ethical and social issues associated with online marketing, as well as collaborative online marketing and supply chain management will also be covered.


SPMG 298 Pre-Internship

The course is a prerequisite to SPMG 400 Internship. The intent of the pre-internship is to increase a student's awareness of the critical aspects of preparing for an internship. The experiences are designed to give students an opportunity to begin career exploration, develop skills to make contacts in the Sport Management and Exercise Science profession, and apply what they learn to real world situations. At least sophomore standing required.