MAED 400 Independent Study

Independent study of a selected list of readings approved by a faculty advisor. Permission of department required.


MAED 410 Seminar: Mathematics for High School Teachers

The course is intended for future teachers of high school mathematics to help them develop a deeper knowledge of some key topics in the high school curriculum. Topics will be chosen from the following: Complex numbers, functions including logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions, curve-fitting, transformations, equations, inequalities and algebraic expressions. Students must have senior standing in the Mathematics Adolescence Education major.


MAED 416 Math Student Teaching Seminar

The course complements the student teaching practicum in either Adolescence Mathematics Education or Middle Childhood Mathematics Education. Candidates receive detailed instruction in the completion of the applied teaching and learning projects associated with their student teaching placements.


MAED 417 Middle School (Grades 5-9) Methods in Mathematics

Principles, materials, and methods for teaching middle school (grades 5-9) mathematics. The course serves as the primary methods course for students pursuing initial certification in Middle Childhood Education - Mathematics Specialist. Departmental approval required.


MAED 419 Secondary School (Grades 7-12) Methods in Mathematics

Principles, materials, and methods for teaching secondary school (grades 7-12) mathematics. The course serves as the primary methods course for students pursuing initial certification in Adolescence Education - Mathematics. Note: must be successfully completed before student teaching. Departmental approval required.


MAED 428 Student Teaching for Mathematics/Middle Childhood Education: Grades 5-6 Placement

A field assignment to teach middle school mathematics. Assignments provided in grades 5 through 6 during this placement. Arrangements made by the Office of Field Experiences.



MAED 416 or MAED 429

MAED 429 Student Teaching for Mathematics/Middle Childhood Education: Grades 7-9 Placement

A field assignment to teach middle school mathematics. Assignments provided in grades 7 through 9 during this placement. Arrangements made by the Office of Field Experiences.



MAED 416 or MAED 428

MAED 430 Student Teaching for Mathematics/Adolescence Education: Grades 7-9 Placement

A field assignment to teach mathematics at the adolescence level. Assignments provided in grades 7 through 9 during this placement. Arrangements made by the Office of Field Experiences.



MAED 416 or MAED 431

MAED 431 Student Teaching for Mathematics/Adolescence Education: Grades 10-12 Placement

A field assignment to teach mathematics at the secondary level. Assignments provided in grades 10 through 12 during this placement. Arrangements made by the Office of Field Experiences.



MAED 416 or MAED 430