Grading System

Student transcripts are updated at the conclusion of each semester, summer session, or special term. The symbols used to record achievement on the permanent record card of the student at the end of each semester are as follows:

A Excellent
B Very Good
C Fair
D Passing
F Failing

Incomplete, a temporary grade that may be given at the instructor’s discretion to a student when extenuating circumstances, such as a significant illness, interfere with the student’s ability to complete course requirements.  

In deciding whether a temporary ‘I’ grade is appropriate, faculty may want to weigh the following:

  • Can the required work be reasonably completed in an agreed-upon time frame that does not require the student to retake any portion of the course?

  • Has the illness or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevented the completion of required work by the due date?

  • Will the student have an equally rigorous and meaningful opportunity to learn and demonstrate what they have learned?  Was the interruption to the student’s progress too significant to be made up?

  • Has the student shown engagement with the class and assignments? Specifically, an instructor might consider the quality of work submitted thus far, the student’s ability to meet deadlines before the issue arose, and (for those who keep attendance) whether the student has an acceptable attendance record except around the illness or event necessitating the incomplete. 


A student wishing to be considered for a temporary ‘I’ grade in a course must contact the instructor before the last day of final exams.  Using the form available on the Registrar’s web page ( the student should initiate the request for an incomplete with their instructor.  If the instructor determines that a temporary ‘I’ grade is appropriate, then the instructor will determine the deadline for completing the work for the course and will ultimately be responsible for submitting the form (with a cc. to the student’s official Fredonia email address) .  All missing work must be submitted before the end of the next regular semester at the latest, though the instructor can assign an earlier date.  Once the work for the course has been received by the instructor, the instructor must submit the student’s revised grade for the course to the Registrar’s office within two weeks.


If the work is not completed by the date indicated, the ‘I’ becomes an F on the permanent record unless otherwise indicated by the faculty member.

IP In Progress. Assigned to the original thesis/capstone course and will remain on the student's transcript until (s)he completes the course.
P Satisfactory completion of courses under the Pass-Fail Option. “P” does not count as part of the cumulative quality point average or total; it does, however, count toward completion of total credit hours earned.
NP Unsatisfactory (Not Passing) completion of courses under the Pass-Fail Option. “NP” does negatively impact the cumulative quality point average.
NR Grade not reported by faculty member.
E Indicates course has been repeated, and will appear on a student's transcript to the right of the original grade earned. This symbol is also used to exclude grades not calculated due to an approved Academic Forgiveness Policy.
S Satisfactory completion of requirements. The S does not count as part of the cumulative quality point average.
U Unsatisfactory performance or failure. The U does not count as part of the cumulative quality point average.
  Note: The letters S and U are used for student teaching and certain other courses, including some independent study and skill courses. In contrast to Pass/Fail, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades are given as departmental options for certain courses, and require that the instructor prepare an appropriate supplemental evaluation of each student’s performance to be filed with the department.
W Indicates withdrawal from the university.
WC Withdrawal from a course.
X Indicates continuing enrollment in a course that continues past the end of the semester. An X grade that has not been converted to a credit-bearing grade by the end of the second regular semester after the semester for which the X was given will change to an F grade.
Y Indicates a course completed with a grade of C- or better during a semester accepted for “academic bankruptcy.” Credit is awarded for such courses but the grades are not included in the student's average. Prior to Fall 2009, the Y represents all passed courses during a bankruptcy semester.
Z Indicates a course completed with a grade of D+ or lower during a semester accepted for “academic bankruptcy.” Credit is not awarded, and grades are not included in the student's average. Prior to Fall 2009, the Y represented failed courses during a bankruptcy semester.