AERO 4111 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 3112. Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4301.


AERO 4112 Leadership Laboratory

A continuation of AERO 4001. Corequistie: Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4302.


AERO 4301 Defense Studies

A study of civilian control of the military the national security process and issues. American issues, American defense strategy and policy, and the Air Force organizational structure. Concurrent enrollment in AERO 4111 is required for AFROTC students. This course may also be taken by non-AFROTC students without the lab. Prerequiste: upper-level standing or consent of instructor.


AERO 4302 Preparation for Active Duty

This course prepares the student for active duty studying various world regions, officership, the military justice system, the military as a profession, and advanced leadership ethics. Special emphasis is placed on speaking and writing skills in the unique military-style format. Laboratory (AERO 4112) enrollment required for AFROTC students.