BSYS 4190 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Course level ("V") ma y range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hour s of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Pre requisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.


BSYS 4290 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Course level ("V") ma y range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hour s of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Pre requisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.


BSYS 4330 Supply Chain Management

In this course the student will be introduced to the study of the movement of materials, services, and information from supplier to manufacturer or service provider to the customer . All aspects of the supply chain will be explored including coordinating and integrating these movement of resources within and among the stakeholders involved in the supply chain and the information technology aspects of as sociated with the supply chain. Prerequisite : BSYS 3325.


BSYS 4335 Enterprise Architecture and ERP

In this course, students will examine the components of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Also, enterprise architecture, middleware, service orientated architecture and infrastructure management concepts will be discussed. Finally, the roles of business process management and improvement, systems integration, and change management in planning and implementing enterprise systems will be discussed. Prerequisite: BSYS 3312. Lab Fee.


BSYS 4390 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Course level ("V") ma y range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hour s of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Pre requisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.


BSYS 4391 Special Topics

Organized classes to explore specialized prob lems in an area of business systems. May be r epeated for credit when topics vary. Course l evel ("V") may range between 2 and 4, or soph omore through senior level, respectively. Lab fee.


BSYS 4395 Internship in Business Systems

This course permits students to enhance their knowledge within Business Systems through the application of concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. It consists of supervised paid work as a professional-level intern for an employer with an approved internship program. Application must be approved prior to registration. Prerequisite: Senior standing; 3.0 G.P.A. in major and overall; and written consent of department chairperson and Dean prior to registration. Administration fee.


BSYS 4490 Independent Study

Independent problem research under the guidan ce of a faculty member. Course level ("V") ma y range between 2 and 4, or sophomore through senior level, respectively. One to four hour s of credit. Lab fee. Administration fee. Pre requisite: Written consent of the supervising professor, department chairperson, and Dean prior to registration.