SOCI 4090 Senior Examination

Students majoring in Sociology must complete the sociology achievement examination prior to graduation.


SOCI 4190 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Sociology. It may be repeated for credit when the material studied is changed.


SOCI 4191 Seminar

Selected topics in Sociology. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCI 4290 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual ne eds and interests in Sociology. It may be rep eated for credit when the material studied is changed.


SOCI 4291 Seminar

Selected topics in Sociology. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be re peated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCI 4312 Population Studies

The course is designed to familiarize the student with basic demographic concepts and techniques. It emphasizes the impact of population characteristics on other aspects of social life. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311.


SOCI 4313 Gerontology

A course designed to acquaint the student with the normal aging process, as well as with the social and psychological problems related to that process. Intervention techniques are emphasized. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as SOCW 4313)


SOCI 4314 Sociological Practice

Observation and supervised experience in a social agency/institutional setting involving sociological issues and concerns. Requires a minimum of 45 clock hours. Emphasis is on integrating research on sociological issues with this experience, including periodic progress reports. For Sociology and Criminal Justice majors only. Prerequisites: SOCI 1311 and 2316; senior standing; and permission of instructor.


SOCI 4315 Death and Dying

An introduction to the sociological and psychological aspects of death and dying within the American cultural milieu. Emphasis is on self awareness regarding attitudes about death and on therapeutic interventions. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or above.


SOCI 4316 The Family

An anthropological survey of various forms and functions of the cross-cultural family. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311.


SOCI 4317 Criminology

An overview of crime in America, various theories concerning causes of crime, and the criminal justice system. (Same as CRIJ 4317)


SOCI 4318 Social Theory

A study of the development of social thought with an emphasis on late nineteenth and twentieth century sociologists, their contributions, and developments in American Sociology. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311.


SOCI 4319 Drugs, Society, & Criminal Justice

This course focuses on issues of drug use, misuse, and abuse. Special emphasis is given to the sociological aspects of drug-taking behavior, the relationship between drugs and crime, and the criminal justice system. Descriptions, classifications, and analyses are used to explore the extent of the drug problem. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as SOCI 4319).


SOCI 4390 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual ne eds and interests in Sociology. It may be rep eated for credit when the material studied is changed.


SOCI 4391 Seminar

Selected topics in Sociology. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be re peated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCI 4490 Independent Study

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Sociology. It may be repeated for credit when the material studied is changed.


SOCI 4491 Seminar

Selected topics in Sociology. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeatedfor credit whenever content varies.