EDAD 6181 Special Topics

A service course designed to permit the offering of topics of current interest and of special workshops. May also be used for individual study in which a minimum of 40 clock hours of directed study is required for each semester hour of credit. Topics and projects are selected on the basis of student interest and need.


EDAD 6366 The Role of the Principal

Study of the roles and responsibilities in the administration of elementary, middle, and secondary schools, with focus on the principal's professional relations with teachers, parents, pupils, educational leaders within the district, and the board of education. Analysis of the role of the principal in curriculum development, organization, and evaluation; school organization; discipline; student behavior; community relations; the teaching/learning process; in-service training; and leadership in teacher growth and evaluation. Emphasis is on personal qualities of leadership conducive to good human relations. Requires travel fee; amount subject to change.


EDAD 6367 School & Its Instructional Program

Factors influencing school curriculum in grades K-12 are studied. Included are components of curriculum; organization of curriculum; how curriculum is changed; how new curriculum is developed; and extra-curriculum in elementary and secondary schools.


EDAD 6368 Applications Educational Research

This course provides experiences essential for the development of basic understanding and knowledge of the place of research in the professional field. Analytical and objective research methods and techniques; reviews of current literature, problem solving, and the conduct and reporting of research projects are studied in detail.


EDAD 6370 Superintendent: Leadership Challenges

Students will examine the role of the superintendent of schools as the chief educational officer of the local school district. The superintendent of schools in today's contemporary educational organizations have primary and ultimate responsibility in two areas, leadership and management. Districts require leaders with a vision of the future and the skills necessary for communicating the vision to others. This course gives participants the tools necessary to make effective decisions. Instructional Leadership Development Training. (ILD)


EDAD 6373 The Superintendent: Leadership in a Pluralistic Society

This course examines the leadership components, skills, and philosophies essential to district culture, communication, and community relations. The superintendent competencies of collaboration, communication, stewardship, and community mobilization are investigated, leading to the facilitation, articulation, and implementation of a shared vision of learning.


EDAD 6376 The Superintendent: The 21st Century Curriculum

It is recognized that the superintendent is the chief curriculum officer of the school district. This course will feature a comprehensive review of the literature focusing on the relationship between staff development and student learning. Special emphasis will be placed on the process of curriculum auditing, planning, and policy development. Additional course components include institutional delivery, state and national accreditation standards, accountability issues, and student assessment.


EDAD 6377 The Superintendent: School Reform 21st Century

To prepare the student for the superintendency, this course will feature a study of state accreditation standards, district program evaluation, and personnel evaluation. Special emphasis will be placed on writing and presenting the evaluation for the district stakeholders, characteristics of standardized tests, scoring, test data disaggregation, and test taking skills. Professional Development Appraisal System training. (PDAS)


EDAD 6379 Superintendent Internship

High-quality clinical activities will prepare the aspiring administrator to be a change agent and instructional leader for schools of the future. This course provides supervised professional clinical activities (two semesters) in the area of the public school superintendency to promote theory-to-practice connections.


EDAD 6381 Special Topics

A service course designed to permit the offering of topics of current interest and of special workshops. May also be used for individual study in which a minimum of 40 clock hours of directed study is required for each semester hour of credit. Topics and projects are selected on the basis of student interest and need.


EDAD 6391 Principal Internship

This is a practicum designed to provide field experience in school administration with emphasis on public relations, personnel administration, pupil behavior and discipline, curriculum development, instructional leadership, and facilities management. The intern is assigned to an administrator for a minimum of 90 clock hours in the field (two semesters). Field experience is supervised by a University professor and is accompanied by a weekly symposium. The intern is given experience in applying management fundamentals to an on-going school program. Each of the topics is developed by assignments, discussions, required readings, and a report.


EDAD 6281 Special Topics

A service course designed to permit the offering of topics of current interest and of special workshops. May also be used for individual study in which a minimum of 40 clock hours of directed study is required for each semester hour of credit. Topics and projects are selected on the basis of student interest and need.


EDAD 6360 Administrative Theory & Practice

Analysis of administrative behavior and organizational patterns. Study of conceptual models of decision-making. Examination of theory and practice as they relate to continuing problems of school administration.


EDAD 6361 Instructional Leadership & Evaluation

This course provides training and certification in Instructional Leadership Development (ILD) as defined and applied by the State Board for Educator Certification and/or the Texas Education Agency. Students must successfully complete the state's certification requirements in ILD to receive credit for the course.


EDAD 6362 School Law

Legislation and litigation which forms the basis of education at national, state, and local levels is surveyed. Topics include professional rights and responsibilities of school administrators and other school personnel, federal and state laws and guidelines related to special populations, parent and student rights, contractual legalities and implications of the law in human resources management. Requires travel fee; amount subject to change.


EDAD 6363 School Business Management & Finance

Study of roles, responsibilities, systems, and procedures in school business matters. Includes budgeting, accounting, data processing, purchasing, personnel, and management of facilities, equipment, and real property. Examination of federal, state, and local programs to finance education.


EDAD 6364 Administration of Programs for Diverse Learners

Designed to promote fidelity in implementation of special programs, this course focuses on standard protocols appropriate for diverse student populations within EC-12 public schools. An emphasis is placed on the application of current state and federal expectations to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students employing interventions aligned with individual student needs. Response-to-Intervention, special education, at-risk, migrant/immigrant, ESL, bilingual, gifted/talented, dyslexia, and vocational/technical programs are examined.


EDAD 6365 Human Resource Management

This course is a seminar/survey course of the administrator's (mid-manager) function in the areas of student services, including principles, philosophy, and operational procedures; policies, schedules, and strategies to enhance effective learning; and placement, evaluation, promotion, retention, and termination.  Students explore the mid-manager's administrative role, what does the principal need to know about and be proficient in: testing programs, student health programs; social work; student records and confidentiality rules; food service; school safety; transportation services; and attendance services.  All of these services are considered to be "non-instructional."  This course gives the student the opportunity to holistically study the role of the mid-manager in the real world.