Teacher Certification in English Language Arts and Reading Secondary Level
Students desiring to certify to teach English in a public school at the secondary level will complete a B.A. degree in English.
View degree plan.
Degree Requirements
A. Core Courses:
Christian Studies - 6 hours
Global Issues or Social Science - 3 hours
English - 12 hours
Exercise and Sport Science (2 activity courses) - 2 courses
Fine Arts - 3 hours
Foreign Language - 14 hours
NOTE: The foreign language requirement is 14 semester hours (four semesters or the equivalent) in the same language.
Lab Science - 4 hours
Public Speaking - 3 hours
Quantitative Reasoning - 3 hours
Scientific Inquiry or Natural Sciences - 3 hours
Social Science - 6 hours
two different subject areas outside of major
Technology - 3 hours
Chapel - 1 to 4 credits
UMHB 1002: credits determined by admission classification
Fine Arts Experience - 2-8 credits
UMHB 1005: credits determined by admission classification
Freshman Seminar - 1 hour
UMHB 1101: required for first-time freshmen with fewer than 12 semester hours of transfer credit only
World Ideas or Philosophy or Non-US History - 3 hours
B.A. English Major Required Courses ā 38 hours
12 hours (6 upper level ) at UMHB
12 hours minimum upper level
One of the following:
Students must earn a āCā or better for courses in this major.
During their first semester of English coursework, students should take ENGL 3100. During their final semester, students should take ENGL 4100.
In addition, students will need to fulfill general requirements for the B.A. degree and the certification requirements of the College of Education. Students seeking certification may choose to use the professional development sequence for secondary certification as the requirements for a minor. This option is available for certification only.
Students pursuing teacher certification in English language arts must meet all guidelines for the Educator Preparation Program and the state of Texas (see catalog for Department of Education) including assessment, field hours, and grade point requirements.
The following is the recommended sequence for educator preparation courses. Failure to take
EDUC 3315 in the sophomore year may result in a delay of student teaching.
Sophomore Spring Semester
EDUC 3315 Students and Learning 3
Junior Year (either semester)
EDUC 4324 Classroom Management 3
EDUC 4328 Curriculum Design I 3
READ 4326 Disciplinary Literacy 3
Senior Fall Semester
EDUC 4385 Educational Internship 3
Senior Spring Semester
EDUC 4250 Student Teaching Seminar 2
EDUC 4501 Student Teaching I 5
EDUC 4502 Student Teaching II 5