Criminal Justice Minor

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Degree Requirements

Required Courses ā€“ 21 hours

6 hours upper level at UMHB

Introduction to Criminal Justice


CRIJ Lower-Level Elective


CRIJ Upper-Level Electives


Lower level courses must be completed prior to enrolling in upper level Criminal Justice courses

Complete an additional lower level course selected from the following courses:

Fundamentals of Criminal Law

Courts and Criminal Procedure

Police Systems and Practices

Correctional Systems and Practices

Community Resources in Corrections

Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement



Lower level Criminal Justice courses are not taught at UMHB and must be completed at a local community college or other university.

Upon successful completion of the 6 hours of lower level Criminal Justice courses, the student may enroll in upper level Criminal Justice courses.

The student intending to minor in Criminal Justice should contact the Criminal Justice Program or a UMHB advisor before registering for a Criminal Justice course at UMHB or at another institution.

No grade less than ā€œCā€ in any Criminal Justice course shall apply toward a minor in Criminal Justice.