CYBR 3180 Cybersecurity Seminar

This seminar course, for participants in the Cybersecurity major, examines current topics in cybersecurity in relation to a Christian world-view. Specific topics may vary by semester. Seminars include reading critiques, case studies, discussion, and student presentations.
Corequisite: CYBR 1306, CYBR 2310, CYBR 2320, CYBR 3320, CYBR 3330, or CYBR 4395. May be repeated for credit.


CYBR 3320 Network and System Security

Modern organizations know that even the strongest systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. As a result, jobs in cybersecurity are rapidly expanding as companies look to secure their digital assets. This course will teach you how to secure those assets by identifying and fixing potential security vulnerabilities. By the end of the course, you will be able to identify and remedy common network and systems vulnerabilities. This online class has optional live sessions.

CYBR 3330 Cyber Forensics

When cybercrimes do happen, you need to know how to respond. This course examines the tools and techniques used to perform cyber forensics and conduct investigations into cybercrimes. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to gather and analyze important digital evidence and gain skills in analyzing cybercrime that are in demand from companies across the country. This online class has optional live sessions.
Prerequisites: CYBR 1306 and CYBR 2310

CYBR 3340 Application Development I – Exploring Web Applications

Modern development relies on frameworks which provide developers with powerful tools to speed up development. If you want to build apps, you need to understand how to use frameworks. This course, which has been built in collaboration with Google, will introduce you to Django - a framework used for data-driven web applications. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Django, improve your database management skills, and begindeveloping your own apps. This online class has optional live sessions.

CYBR 3341 Application Development II – Building Web Applications

This course - built in collaboration with Google - is the second part of the application development series. In this course, you will put your skills into practice and build your own application. By the end of this course, you'll have a greater understanding of the technologies that power modern apps and be able to build your own. This online course has optional live sessions.