
Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Education at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor is to provide a faith-based program that prepares exemplary educational leaders ready to serve children and youth and that promotes excellence in academics, research, and character development.


General Information

The College of Education offers two degree pathways:

A.  Bachelor of Science in Educational Advocacy 
This degree is intended for individuals who want to work with youth and children in a setting other than the school classroom.  It prepares students to assist in foster programs, community youth camps, advocacy systems, day care centers, and other entities supporting children or youth.   Since it does not involve teacher certification, program entry and successful completion are based on maintaining satisfactory status as a student at UMHB.


B.  Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd)
Intended for individuals planning to become classroom teachers, the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Educator Preparation Program is approved by the State of Texas to offer educator certification. A student who completes an approved program must also make a satisfactory score on state licensing examinations required by the state. After completion of all certification requirements, the student must make application for teacher certification. If a student has satisfied all program requirements, the recommendation for the teaching certificate is made to the state certification system by the UMHB's College of Education Certification Coordinator.

Educator preparation is a cooperative effort across the university and involves other colleges and departments. All educator preparation is coordinated through the College of Education. The university maintains a close relationship with the public schools.

The purpose of the Educator Preparation Cooperative, is to plan and implement the Educator Preparation Program in a Christian environment. This purpose not only adheres to but also extends beyond those regulations set forth by the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Administrative Code and the Texas Education Code.

Students planning to pursue certification through the Educator Preparation Program are encouraged to select a degree plan early in their college career. A major advisor in the student’s field of interest should be consulted for planning purposes. Students who plan their program early will be more likely to finish in a timely manner.


Educator Preparation Cooperative

The Educator Preparation Program is administered under the direct supervision of the Educator Preparation Cooperative. The College appoints a chairperson of this committee, and its members are representatives from the surrounding independent school districts, supervisors, student representatives, and community members. Ad hoc members include the Registrar and Provost/ Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Objectives of the Teacher Education Program

  1. The College of Education will provide individuals planning to work with children and youth with an educational program that is student focused, cutting edge, and exemplary among comparable universities.

  2. The College of Education will maintain a curriculum that is research-based, student-focused, aligned with state standards, and rigorous in its content and scope.

  3. The College of Education will provide pre-service educators in the BSEd track with the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competency on the state certification examination (TExES) for the fields they have chosen.



Students pursuing a degree in Educational Advocacy are advised in the College of Education by an advisor specifically designated for that program.

Students seeking teacher certification for the elementary, interdisciplinary, and middle level programs are advised in the College of Education. Those who choose to pursue certification at the secondary level and all-level art, music, physical education, and Spanish are advised in the department of their academic major. All students seeking certification are required to follow the guidelines of the Educator Preparation Program and to begin a data collection process for entry into the Educator Preparation Program during EDUC 3315. It is recommended that students enroll in EDUC 3315 during the sophomore year. Students who are transferring professional education credit(s) from other colleges or universities to UMHB should see an advisor in the College of Education for special admission procedures to the Educator Preparation Program.


Certification Requirements

(This section is applicable only to the BSEd.  It does not apply to Educational Advocacy.)

It should be clearly understood that the State of Texas Educator Certification System and Standards of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) regarding certification supersede UMHB rules and requirements. While the UMHB program may have requirements that exceed those of the state, at no time are they less than state requirements.
There are two paths leading to teacher certification at UMHB. The Undergraduate Program is traditional teacher certification coupled with the pursuit of the bachelor’s degree. The Post-Baccalaureate program is for candidates with bachelor’s degrees who are pursuing teacher certification through the UMHB master’s program. The requirements for each are described below.

International students must meet the same standards required of all candidates. In addition, based on state law, prior to admission they are required to take all sections of the TOEFL, and meet state standards through transcript review.

Undergraduate Program
A. Admission - Gateway #1
1. Pass criminal history check.
        Texas law requires that all students in field experiences and student teaching must satisfactorily complete a criminal background review. Any student who cannot be cleared to teach because of a criminal record will not be allowed to student teach and cannot obtain teacher certification. Students who may be unable to clear a criminal background review are urged to clarify their ability to teach before considering the Educator Preparation Program. (See Felony or Misdemeanor Conviction.) A pre-check process is available through the Texas Education Agency for those who want to verify their status in this regard.

2. Pass the College of Education interview and writing sample. 

3. Successfully complete EDUC 3315 with a grade of “C” or better.
4. As part of the admission process into the Educator Preparation Program, satisfy an Academic Proficiency requirement. Because of shifting state requirements, prospective students should consult the current standard as posted on the College of Education site on the UMHB web page or through the Gateway pages on the student’s MyCampus home page.  The required scores must be submitted to the UMHB College of Education Certification Coordinator no later than the semester when the student takes EDUC 3315.
5. Sign and adhere to the Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics statement.
6. Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.
7. Submit a signed COE FERPA form.
8. Complete 12 or more hours in the content field (15 if math or science). A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required in these courses.
9. Submit an application for admission into the program. (This is not the same as admittance into the university) Students apply via Gateway #1 on their MyCampus account page. Students who meet all program requirements will be issued an invitation to join the Educator Preparation Program.
10. Accept the invitation for admission. Per state law, a student must accept the invitation for admittance.
11. Demonstrate and maintain a “disposition to teach.” Research reveals specific behaviors exhibited by successful educators. These are described on the College of Education Student Handbook.

NOTE: A minimum of 18 hours must be taken after acceptance into the Educator Preparation Program but prior to student teaching.  Students are encouraged to take EDUC 3315 by the end of the second semester sophomore year.  Failure to meet program standards at that point may delay the student’s graduation.

B. Student Teaching – Gateway #2

1. Senior standing with no more than 6 semester hours remaining (with special permission from the Dean) to meet the degree plan requirements after the semester of student teaching.
a. All professional development courses must be completed before student teaching.
b. Students working toward 7-12, and all-level certification may student teach if they lack no more than one course in the area(s) of certification (with special permission from the Dean).

2. Completion of all state compliance standards (as per the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Education Code, and the Texas Administrative Code. This includes field experiences. Many of the teacher preparation courses offered at UMHB are “field-based,” meaning that they are taught on public school campuses so that teacher candidates receive hands-on experience. Students who take the regular, daytime classes will automatically get sufficient hands-on experience. Students who take education coursework in night classes or summer sessions may be required to complete field hours during a subsequent semester.
3. A grade of “C” or higher in public speaking.
4. For candidates on the Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd), a combined GPA of 3.0 or higher across the courses in Academic Support and Professional Development. For secondary (7-12) or special areas (EC-12), a GPA of 3.0 in the “Major” block as well as a 3.0 in the Pedagogy and Professional Practices block, with these blocks calculated independently.
5. A completed application submitted to the Educator Preparation Program. Applications are submitted via Gateway #2 on the student’s MyCampus account page. Applications for student teaching should be in the College of Education Office by April 1 for individuals planning to student teach the following fall semester or October 1 for individuals planning to student teach the following spring semester.

Note - Students are placed for student teaching in one of 16 public school districts within a 60-mile radius of UMHB. Placements are determined by the Director of Field Experiences.

C. Certification– Gateway #3
1. Completion of all program requirements as indicated in Gateways 1-3. (The Gateways may be accessed on the student’s MyCampus account page.)
2. Completion of a baccalaureate degree.
3. Completion of the UMHB Educator Preparation Program, including meeting and maintaining the GPA requirements.
4. Passing score on the specific TExES (certification) examination(s) for the certificate sought, as prescribed by the State of Texas under the Texas Education Agency, Texas Administrative Code, and Texas Education Code.
5. Recommendation from the Educator Preparation Program via the College of Education Certification Coordinator.
6. Submission of an official fingerprinting report to the state certification system.
7. Application to the state certification system, along with required fees.
8. Submission of the UMHB application form for certification to the UMHB College of Education.
All requirements as prescribed by the State of Texas certification office and the Texas Education Agency must be completed and application made for initial certification within one (1) year of graduation. Students who return to the university after that time may be required to take additional coursework or to provide additional evidence of proficiency in the certification area sought.

Post-Baccalaureate Program

UMHB meets all requirements for persons with Bachelor’s Degrees seeking initial teacher certification through approved Texas colleges and universities (Post-Baccalaureate Certification). Chapter 21.049, Texas Education Code. The Post-Baccalaureate Program is coordinated by the College's Director of Graduate Programs in Education as part of the Master’s with Teaching Certification program. Coursework for completing the content of the master’s program is addressed in the Graduate Catalog. However, participation in the Educator Preparation Program is required as follows:

A. Admission – Gateway #1
Each candidate for an initial teaching certificate who possesses a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution must submit the following in order to be considered for Educator Preparation Program entry:

1. Official transcript verifying Bachelor’s degree.
2. Passed PACT (TExES) content exam in an area consented to by the Director of Graduate Studies and the Certification Coordinator.
3. Signed COE FERPA form.
4. Signed Educator Code of Ethics form.
5. Permission for criminal background check. Note: The Texas Education Agency provides an opportunity for students to do a pre-check of criminal history to ensure they will not be blocked from teaching or field experiences. 
6. Interview, transcript review, and acceptable writing sample with the Director of Master's Programs in Education.
7. Documentation of GPA of 2.75 or higher for previous degree conferred or on last 60 hours of coursework.

8. Demonstrated competence in educational technology and in public speaking, through coursework or through prior experiences verified by the program director.
9. Application for admission via Gateway #1 on the student’s MyCampus account page. If the student has met all program requirements at this point, an invitation to join the Educator Preparation Program will be extended.
10. Acceptance of invitation, as per state law.

B. Student Teaching or Internship – Gateway #2

1. Completion of all state compliance standards (as per the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Education Code, and the Texas Administrative Code. This includes field experiences. Many of the teacher preparation courses offered at UMHB are “field-based,” meaning that they are taught on public school campuses so that teacher candidates receive hands-on experience. Post-bac students should contact the Director of Field Experiences early to set up field hours during the semester prior to the internship or student teaching.
2. Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher and GPA of 3.0 in pedagogy courses.
3. A completed application submitted to the Educator Preparation Program. (This is not the same as application to the graduate program at UMHB).  Applications are submitted via Gateway #2 on the student’s MyCampus account page. Applications must be in the Education Office by April 1 for individuals planning to student teach/intern the following fall semester or October 1 for individuals planning to student teach/intern the following spring semester.

Note - Students are placed for student teaching in one of 16 public school districts within a 60-mile radius of UMHB. Placements are determined by the Director of Field Experiences. Interns are required to secure their own positions as teachers of record for the internship and to submit their Teacher Service Record to the Certification Coordinator at UMHB verifying their year of completion.

C. Certification – Gateway #3

1. Successful completion of a one-year internship as the teacher of record OR successful completion of one semester of student teaching.
2. Master’s degree posted by the Registrar.
3. Completion of the UMHB Educator Preparation Program, including meeting and maintaining the required GPA.
4. Satisfactory passing score on all required TExES exams, as prescribed by state statute.
5. Recommendation for certification from the UMHB Educator Preparation Program via the Certification Coordinator.
6. Submission of an official fingerprinting report to the state certification system.

7. Application to the state certification system.
8. Submission of the UMHB application form for certification to the UMHB College of Education.
All requirements as prescribed by the State of Texas certification office and the Texas Education Agency must be completed and application made for initial certification within one (1) year of graduation. Students who return to the university after that time may be required to take additional coursework or to provide additional evidence of proficiency in the certification area sought.

State Guidelines for All Certification Paths
Candidates are required to:

1. Be of good moral character.
2. Be a citizen of or be legally eligible to be employed in the United States.
3. Be at least 18 years old.
4. Believe in and uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Texas.
5. Speak and understand the English language.
6. Submit an application for certification and appropriate fee.
7. Adhere to and support the Educator Code of Ethics.

Felony or Misdemeanor Conviction
“In accordance with Article 6252-13c, Texas Civil Statutes, the commissioner of education may suspend or revoke a teaching certificate, or refuse to issue a teaching certificate for a person who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor for a crime which directly relates to duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession.”
All applicants for Texas certificates will be screened (fingerprinted) for a record of felony or misdemeanor conviction through the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Dismissal from Public School Campuses:
UMHB works in partnership with several area independent school districts.

In the event that a student teacher or intern is prevented from returning to a school to which he or she was assigned, procedures are in place to address the issue. These are available on the College of Education website.

Certification Areas for Preparation of Teachers (Note: For students in the Post-Baccalaureate program, other certification areas may be available. This should be determined through a meeting with the Certification Coordinator.)

Areas of specialization include:

EC-6 Core Subjects
4-8 Core Subjects
EC-12 Special Education

Secondary Certificate areas (typically 7-12) include:

English Language Arts and Reading
Life Sciences
Composite Social Studies

All Level Certificate areas include:

Physical Education