ATT 475 Supervised Clinical Education Athletic Training I

Involves practical experience in evaluation and care of athletic injuries, including directed and self-directed clinical experiences at the University and off-campus clinical sites. Provides an opportunity for development of critical thinking skills to integrate previously acquired knowledge and skills in clinical practice and the care of patients. Requirements for course completion include in-services, practical examinations, clinical assessments and clinical experience. Students must be admitted into the athletic training program to enroll in this course.

Credit Hours: 2


Consent of instructor.

ATT 476 Supervised Clinical Education Athletic Training II

Involves practical experience in evaluation and care of athletic injuries, including directed and self-directed clinical experiences at the University and off-campus clinical sites. Provides an opportunity for development of critical thinking skills to integrate previously acquired knowledge and skills in clinical practice and the care of patients. Requirements for course completion include in-services, practical examinations, clinical assessments and clinical experience. Students must be admitted into the athletic training program to enroll in this course.

Credit Hours: 2


Consent of instructor.

ATT 485 Undergraduate Research in Athletic Training

This course is an experiential education course that focuses on conducting undergraduate research in athletic training and working along with a faculty member.  The students will be engaged in project conception, background literature study, methodology, data collection, analyzing results and possible presentation of research to the larger community. At least two hours a week is required for each credit hour.

Credit Hours: 1-8


Permission of instructor

ATT 495 Professional Topics in Athletic Training

This course encompasses several of the professional-level competencies required for organization and administration in athletic training, including topics in budgeting, insurance and legal issues. Case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 3


ATT 370 and consent of instructor.