Early Childhood Care and Education

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the associate degree and diploma programs in Early Childhood Care and Education will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of how the role as a child development specialist will influence and be applied as a teacher of young children by citing specific teaching approaches, strategies, methods, and tools for early education.
  • Document personal definition on ways teachers can promote and protect the health and safety of young children.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills to plan a developmentally appropriate curriculum and classroom program that is based upon observational data, professionally defined standards, research, and theories including all children.
  • Demonstrate the ability to create a classroom environment that reflects built-in elements of guidance that provide reasonable limits while encouraging children's independence and self-regulation through the teacher's role in supporting learning.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the connection between social-emotional learning and success in all aspects of learning and growth throughout childhood.
  • Document personal application of professional knowledge of the role of the teacher in establishing relationships, building partnerships with parents, and identification of the importance of the family in the life and development of a child.
  • Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.

Graduates of the technical certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education Basics will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of how the role as a child development specialist will influence and be applied as a teacher of young children by citing specific teaching approaches, strategies, methods, and tools for early education.
  • Document personal definition on ways teachers can promote and protect the health and safety of young children.
  • Demonstrate the ability to create a classroom environment that reflects built-in elements of guidance that provide reasonable limits while encouraging children's independence and self-regulation through the teacher's role in supporting learning.
  • Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.