Business Management


Median wages for the different operations described in the Nature of the Work section range from $45,320 for a quality assurance specialist to $84,000 for logistics and warehousing supervisors or managers. The median annual wages for different types of managers/supervisors is as follows:

  • $57,780 for First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers
  • $46,040 for Quality Control Analyst 
  • $59,180 for Human Resources Specialists
  • $74,260 for Logistics Analysts.

These salaries are the median salaries nationwide. Local starting wages may vary somewhat from the nationwide median depending on general economic conditions, local business and industry conditions, and regional wage differentials.




O*Net Online. First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers, Quality Control Analysts, Human Resources Specialists, Logistics Analysts, and Shipping Supervisors.