Catalog 2021-2022

Life Science Programs Readmission

Students who fail to progress in selective admission programs may request re-entry to the programs, although re-entry cannot be guaranteed. Reasons for failure to progress may include, but are not limited to, withdrawal from program courses, academic course failure, clinical course failure, or documented deficiencies in clinical performance. Students seeking re-entry can only retake the classes they failed during the semester the courses are offered; therefore, they should make their re-entry plans accordingly. Students may re-enter a program one time for a total of two attempts to complete a program successfully. In order to be considered for re-entry, students must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0, be in good academic standing at the college, and meet all other requirements for re-entry as specified by the Admissions Office. Students may also be required to meet conditions of a program-specific, individually developed learning action plan in order to re-enter.

All requests for re-entry are granted on a space available basis, which is based on the allowable student-to-faculty ratio determined for effective classroom or laboratory teaching, availability of appropriate clinical sites, and other factors. Students seeking to re-enter programs may be required to demonstrate that they have retained the foundational knowledge necessary for academic success and patient safety by completing both written and practical exams on coursework previously completed. If the need to re-enter is based on previous withdrawals for medical reasons, applicants must submit documentation from a physician providing clearance to resume all aspects of the program, including clinical education.

Students who request re-entry into selective admission programs must abide by the policies and procedures in place at the time re-entry is sought, not those that were in place at the time they were originally admitted to the program.