Catalog 2021-2022

Drug Testing/Background Checks

Certain host sites require students to complete drug testing and/or criminal background checks prior to allowing students to participate in internship, practicum, or clinical activities at those sites. Athens Technical College follows the policies and procedures established by the Technical College System of Georgia and by the requirements of the facilities that serve as internship, practicum, and clinical sites for students.

Unless otherwise noted, students are responsible for the costs associated with drug testing and/or criminal background checks. Based on program and internship/practicum/clinical host site policies, the results of background checks and/or drug tests may prevent students from completing the internship, practicum, or clinical components of their programs of study. Although they may be allowed to continue in the classroom portion of the course and/or programs of study, students with unsatisfactory background checks and/or drug tests must understand that they may be ineligible to graduate from their program of study because they will be unable to fulfill program requirements.