Earnings from Work

An integral form of financial assistance at Berea College is available through the Student Labor Program. All students enrolled in an academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer One, or Summer Two) earn a work scholarship, in which a portion of that, the Labor Grant, is applied directly to the cost of education (“tuition”) each term. The amount applied is: $3,000 (Fall); $3,000 (Spring); and a pro-ration for summer term(s). The final portion of the work scholarship is the primary source of direct aid, providing $1,540 to $2,530 per year to assist in covering educational costs and personal expenses. Based on the total work scholarship and total hours worked per term, a student receives between $12.00 and $24.00 per hour in scholarship. The direct aid portion received (based on hours worked), in combination with the student’s earnings on and off campus during the summer months, are used to pay a portion of the student’s room, board, personal expenses, fees, and other educational expenses incurred during the academic year.

Berea College expects every student to save approximately $1,000 from summer earnings to assist with costs associated with attendance. While the College does not bill students for an additional $1,000 as a result of the summer savings expectation, some students choose to use their savings to assist with their Term Bill. Ideally, when the Term Bill obligation is met through the family’s contribution, the summer savings can be used to assist with indirect college expenses like transportation, books, supplies, and personal and miscellaneous expenses. Jobs available on campus for those who wish to remain in Berea during the summer are paid at a rate sufficient, with careful budgeting, to save approximately $1,000. However, some students find it easier to save summer earnings when living at home in a rent-free environment.