Readmission of Previously Enrolled Students

Previously enrolled students who wish to return to Berea must apply to the Transfer and Readmit Admissions and Advising Committee (referred to as TRAAC) for readmission. Applications are secured from and returned to the Admissions Office. All materials relative to requests for readmission for Summer or Fall terms, including internal processing, must be received by April 30 or by November 30 for Spring Term . Applications for readmission cannot be processed until all outstanding account balances are paid and loans are current. There is a $50 entrance fee required of returning students.

Previously withdrawn students may not be enrolled at Berea until one full regular term of attendance has passed after the term in which the withdrawal occurred. Unless otherwise designated at the time of suspension, a student who has been suspended cannot be considered for readmission until the passage of two (2) regular terms of absence.

Readmitted students will return to the College with the same academic, social, and labor standing assigned at the time of departure. If, at the time of withdrawal, the student is not in good standing for financial-aid purposes, he/she will be required to submit an appeal in order to be considered for Title IV and state financial-aid programs. Ordinarily, an application for readmission will not be considered in the case of a pending on-campus disciplinary charge and/or hearing until such a case has been adjudicated. (Also see “Financial Aid and Student Accounts” for more information.)