Use of College Funds for Flowers

Use of College funds for flowers is appropriate for the following situations:

  • Bereavement flowers due to employee death, the death of the employee’s spouse or employee’s child are normally sent by the President’s Office and by the department in which the employee worked(s) only.
  • Flowers due to the death of a student should be coordinated with the VP for Labor and Student Life to eliminate multiple purchases by various College offices.
  • Flowers due to the death of a donor should be coordinated with the VP for Alumni and College Relations and, when appropriate, the President’s Office, to minimize multiple purchases by various College offices.
  • Flowers for a hospitalization of a Berea College employee (in-patient only) are normally sent by The President’s Office and by the department in which the employee worked (s) only.
  • Flowers for other College-sponsored events/functions as approved by the appropriate Vice President.

(Flowers are defined as bouquets, planters, floral arrangements and include balloons, cookies, stuffed animals, etc.)