Computer Science Optional Concentration

Degree Requirements

A major in Computer and Information Science with a general concentration is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

CSC 226Software Design & Implement

1 Course Credit

CSC 236Data Structures

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

The capstone requirement may be met by completing either CSC 493 or CSC 495.  Note that selected UGR 010 or UGR 020 experiences may also satisfy the CIS major capstone requirement if approved by the CSC program.

CSC 493Senior Projects

1/2 Course Credit


CSC 495Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits


UGR 010
Undergraduate Research (On-campus)


UGR 020
Undergraduate Research (Off-Campus)


Upper Level Distribution - 7 Courses

Seven of the following upper-level distribution courses with at least two courses chosen from each of the following categories and at least two at the 400 level:


CSC 330Database Systems

1 Course Credit

CSC 410Computational Intelligence

1 Course Credit

CSC 420Programming Languages

1 Course Credit



CSC 303Theory of Computation

1 Course Credit

CSC 433/MAT 433Numerical Analysis (MAT)

1 Course Credit

CSC 440Design & Analysis of Algorithm

1 Course Credit




CSC 335Computer Organization

1 Course Credit

CSC 412Networking

1 Course Credit

CSC 425Operating Systems & VMs

1 Course Credit


Required Collateral Course - 3 Courses

Discrete Mathematics

MAT 105Intro to Discrete Math

1 Course Credit


MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit


MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit


MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit

Electricity and Electronics

One of the following additional Collateral Courses must be completed:

TAD 265Electricity and Electronics

1 Course Credit


TAD 460Digital Electronics

1 Course Credit