Sustainability and Environmental Studies Minor

Degree Requirements

The minor in Sustainability and Environmental Studies requires five (5) course credits and a noncredit Experiential Learning Project, as follows:

Required Core Courses

SENS 100, and two (2) courses in SENS at the 200-level or above selected from the following courses:
SENS 100Intro-Sustainability & Environ

1 Course Credit

SENS 200Intro Ecological Restoration

1 Course Credit

SENS 226Coral Reef Ecosystems

1 to 1.5 Course Credits

SENS 286Special Topics

1/2 to 1 Course Credit

SENS 386Special Topics

1/2 to 1 Course Credit

SENS 390AIndependent Study

1 Course Credit

SENS 390BIndependent Study w/o ALE

1 Course Credit

SENS 395Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits

SENS 397ATeam Initiated Study

1 Course Credit

SENS 397BTeam Initiated Study w/o ALE

1 Course Credit

SENS 398Directed Study

1 Course Credit

SENS 460Sustainability Capstone

1 Course Credit

SENS 486Special Topics

1/2 to 1 Course Credit

SENS 490AIndependent Study

1 Course Credit

SENS 490BIndependent Study w/o ALE

1/2 to 3 Course Credits

SENS 495Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits

SENS 497ATeam Initiated Study

1 Course Credit

SENS 497BTeam Initiated Study w/o ALE

1 Course Credit

SENS 498Directed Study

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Two (2) additional course credits with one from each of the following two groups.  With approval from the SENS Program Chair, other courses, including regular term or Summer term courses germane to SENS  learning objectives, may be used to meet a Group I or Group II requirement. 

Group I

Natural Science:
ANR 130Plant Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 240Soil Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 360Forest & Wildlife Management

1 Course Credit

BIO 110Modern Biology

1 Course Credit

BIO 114Botany

1 Course Credit

BIO 342Field Botany

1 Course Credit

BIO 344Dendrology & Forest Ecology

1 Course Credit

CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 134Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

SENS 310Ecology

1 Course Credit

Group II

Social Justice or Economic Viability
APS 215/SENS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (SENS)

1 Course Credit

APS 225/AFR 225/PSJ 225/SENS 225Envr Justice(AFR/PSJ/SENS/WGS)

1 Course Credit

APS 229Contemporary Issues-Appalachia

1 Course Credit

CFS 145Consumer Decision Making

1 Course Credit

ECO 102Principles of Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 341Economic Dev:Theory & Appl

1 Course Credit

ECO 370Environ Issue in Public Policy

1 Course Credit

MAT 108/MAT 101Environ Issue:Math Model Appr

1 Course Credit

PHI 104Morality, Law & Philosophy

1 Course Credit

PHI 230Reflecting on Nature

1 Course Credit

PSC 250International Relations

1 Course Credit

SENS 320Intro-Geographical Info System

1 Course Credit

SENS 340Intro to Ecological Design

1 Course Credit

SENS 345/TAD 345Ecological Architecture (TAD)

1 Course Credit

SOC 110Prob of American Institutions

1 Course Credit


Required Experiential Learning Project (noncredit course) Must have completed SENS 100 and be pre-approved by the SENS Program Chair; project normally occurs beyond the classroom setting, may be on or off campus, and will involve students in activities central to SENS learning objectives. Projects may take the form of Internships, student-faculty undergraduate research projects, service-learning projects, or student Labor Positions.