Pre-Professional Programs

3-2 Engineering Dual-Degree

Berea College offers a dual-degree program in engineering in cooperation with the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky. This dual-degree program of study leads to a B.A. degree from Berea College (usually in the Applied Science and Mathematics major) and a B.S. degree in engineering from the University of Kentucky. The program provides students with a strong background in the liberal arts and the field of engineering.  Engineering programs available in cooperation with the University of Kentucky are biosystems engineering; chemical engineering; civil engineering; computer engineering; electrical engineering; materials engineering; mechanical engineering; and mining engineering. For more information on the Applied Science and Mathematics major, which is intended to help prepare 3-2 Engineering students for the second part of this dual degree, please refer to that program in the Academic Programs and Courses section of this Catalog & Student HandbookDr. Tracy Hodge serves as the pre-engineering coordinator at Berea.

The entire dual-degree program normally is completed in five or six years, the initial three or four of which are at Berea College and the subsequent two at the University of Kentucky. Although Berea College does not have a special agreement with any other engineering schools at this time, Berea students have successfully entered 3-2 engineering programs with other universities upon completion of the dual-degree requirements.

Students may request permission to participate in Commencement exercises with their classmates even though they elect to have their Berea College degree conferred at a later date.


Law schools neither require nor recommend any particular major or course selections as preparation for legal studies. Berea College prepares students for the study of law through developing abilities to read, write, and reason well about a broad range of issues. As is true for other colleges and universities, Berea does not have a major in Pre-Law.

Students interested in law should choose an academic major based on their interests, while preparing themselves for law school by developing their abilities to read difficult texts, to write structured, argumentative prose, and to reason rigorously about texts. Whatever a student’s academic major, good preparation for the study of law requires demonstrated excellence in a broad, academically rigorous curriculum, such as courses in a foreign language, writing, literature, mathematics, history, the social sciences, or philosophy. Berea College’s General Education program—especially core courses (GSTRs) and Practical Reasoning requirements—provide opportunities for students to develop abilities to read, write, and reason well and to demonstrate excellence in a broad undergraduate education of the type that law schools value.

As students consider courses for their first year at Berea, they should use the GSTR 110, GSTR 210, and elective courses to challenge themselves to develop their ability to read, write, and reason carefully about difficult texts. Foreign languages are recommended to fulfill the International Perspective requirement in the General Education program. A demanding, non-quantitative Practical Reasoning (PR) course also is recommended.

Two courses recommended for any student interested in law include PHI 106 and PHI 104. Students interested in attending organized opportunities to visit law schools, prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and meet professionals pursuing a variety of careers in law should contact Dr. Dan Huck who serves as campus coordinator for students interested in the study of law. Dr. James Butler also assists pre-law students by preparing them for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).


Students interested in going to medical or dental school usually major in either Biology or Chemistry. However, students pursuing other majors generally can complete most medical/dental school prerequisites in addition to their major course work. Most medical/dental schools require one year of Biology, but two years are strongly recommended. The following courses are recommended: BIO 110, 322, BIO 323, and BIO 330, with BIO 220, BIO 331, and BIO 441 suggested; one year of Inorganic Chemistry (recommended: CHM 131 and CHM 311), one year of Organic Chemistry (recommended: CHM 221 and CHM 222, with CHM 345 strongly suggested); one year of Physics (recommended: PHY 127 and PHY 128); one year of Mathematics (recommended: MAT 115 & MAT 135; and one year of English (satisfied by GSTR 110 and GSTR 210). Students considering medical or dental school are strongly encouraged to consult with Dr. Dawn Anderson, the pre-medical/pre-dental advisor on campus, as early as possible for further information and for assistance with pre-medical/dental curriculum planning.


While every veterinary program has its own requirements for entry, there are some commonalities. For example, Chemistry I and Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics are courses required by all 32 veterinary programs in the United States and Canada. Veterinary programs have high undergraduate GPA standards, generally a 3.2 minimum overall GPA. It also is important to have a broad understanding of the field and applied practical experience in some aspect of veterinary medicine. This can be obtained through academically supervised internships and field studies. Students may enter veterinary colleges from a number of majors. Most students pursue degrees in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Biology, or Chemistry. Due to the residency stipulations, it is strongly suggested that all students work with Berea’s pre-veterinary advisor, Dr. Neil Douglas, in the Agriculture and Natural Resources department, to ensure they meet the qualifications and to certify residency for many of the programs.

Social Work through Child and Family Studies

Students majoring in Child and Family Studies may pursue graduate study or careers in counseling, social work, non-profit social-service agencies, family resource centers, cooperative extension, childcare, or ministry. Graduates in Family Studies are well prepared for Master of Social Work programs in Kentucky and other states. Students should contact Katrina Rivers Thompson, Program Coordinator for Child and Family Studies, for more information about this degree or these career opportunities.

Graduate School Grant Program

Limited funds are available to assist qualified students with the cost of applying to and visiting leading graduate or professional schools. The purpose of these funds is to encourage and enable students to consider enrollment in the nation’s best graduate and professional programs, many of which are located some distance from Berea. Students are eligible for a maximum award of $550 during their tenure at Berea College, which may be used for more than one trip or application fee. In addition, the fees for courses that can help students prepare for the graduate-school entrance exams (offered by companies such as Kaplan’s) can be included in the student’s total allocation. Students should pick up the application in the Student Service Center’s Self-Serve Room (101 Lincoln Hall), then submit the completed application to the Student Service Center as early as possible. The form is forwarded to the Office of Academic Services for consideration. Please note that students must apply for the funds in advance of the travel or payment of an application fee. Selection is based on many factors, including the type and level of contact the student has had with the graduate school department and faculty, the graduate schools eligible for funds, the student’s major GPA, and others described in detail in the guidelines and application form available in the Self-Serve Room.