Immunization Policy

Students matriculating at Berea College are required to have the following immunizations: DPT series with current Td or Tdap booster (within 10 years), polio series; and two measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) injections after the first birthday. Immunization for hepatitis A & B, meningitis and chicken pox, while not required, are highly recommended. Also recommended is the human papilloma virus vaccine.

Exceptions to this policy may be made for a documented allergy to substances in one or more of these vaccines or on the basis of a sincere and genuine religious belief prohibiting a particular immunization. Such a medical or religious waiver must have been applied for on the appropriate College form and granted by College Health Service at the time of enrollment.

Students participating in College sponsored international study/travel opportunities are required to receive from Berea College Health Service or a recognized travel authority such as the Center for Disease Control or similar body all immunizations recommended for travel to a particular region. Exception to this policy will be made only for a student who has an approved immunization waiver on file with the College from the time of initial enrollment. However, such waiver may affect ability to participate in certain international travel opportunities. The College retains the right to deny approval for travel for which academic credit and/or funding is being provided by the College should it be felt that the health of the non-immunized student or other community members might be jeopardized.

All traveling students requesting exception to recommended travel immunizations must receive counseling from Berea College Health Service staff concerning the risks they are assuming, must sign a special waiver application form before every international trip, and must receive approval from College Health Service. If approval is given and disease does occur, mandatory dismissal from campus may be required until the student is disease free.

Effective Date:

Revision Date: July 28, 2010

Approved by: Berea College Health Service

Submitted by: