Sunday Policy*

The College community recognizes the traditional significance of Sunday as a day of worship, rest, and enrichment. In keeping with the College’s Christian tradition and its commitment to stimulate understanding of the Christian faith and its many expressions, this policy’s provisions allow opportunities for members of the College community to observe a day of worship and rest.

Ordinarily, the College will not schedule events on Sunday which would require attendance. All College-related activities and services, except for food and other basic on-going functions, shall be closed on Sunday until 1:00 p.m. to enable worship attendance. Faculty, coaches, and labor supervisors are encouraged to make every possible provision to free workers from schedules conflicting with their religious services. Out of respect for those members of our community who worship at other times, faculty, coaches, and labor supervisors are encouraged to be considerate of their worship times and religious observations.

Departments and programs may sponsor concerts, receptions, theatre productions, convocations, and other events on Sunday, but intercollegiate athletic contests and required course-related or group activities should not be scheduled. (Note: The Intercollegiate Athletic Sunday Competition Policy, passed during the November 14, 1996, Faculty Meeting, addresses exceptions. That policy remains in effect.)

Special worship services (e.g., Good Friday, opening Sunday worship service) may be included in the official calendar approved by the Executive Council. At such times, all offices and College services may be closed. Worship services may be arranged by the Campus Christian Center at other times.

*As adopted by the General Faculty, March 13, 1997