Application for Degree Requirement

Upon completion of six regular terms, degree-seeking students who have not yet applied for a degree will receive notification from the Academic Records Analyst in the Office of the Registrar informing them that they will need to submit the Application for Degree form, preferably within the following week. At the very latest, students are required to file this Application for Degree prior to registering for classes in their seventh term.

Before submitting this degree application, students should run another degree evaluation in myBerea to make certain that all degree requirements are recorded correctly. Any deficiencies can be discussed with their Academic Advisor prior to registration in the terms leading up to graduation. (Also see “Course Substitutions and Waivers of Degree Requirements” below.)

After the Application for Degree has been filed, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the Academic Records Analyst of changes in plans or programs. All requirements for the degree, except regular course work, must be completed 30 days prior to the commencement at which the student will graduate.

Students who file the Application for Degree are expected to attend Commencement Exercises.

Note: Neither diplomas nor transcripts will be issued to students with past-due student accounts.