WELL 101 Principles of Wellness I

As part one of a two-term sequence, this course examines the various components of health, wellness, and fitness.  Topics include an introduction to the eight dimensions of wellness, the Transtheoretical Model of Change, stress and stress management, sexual health, drug and alcohol use, and time management.  Emphasis is placed on individual health, goal setting, and identifiable attitudes and behaviors needed to establish a lifelong pattern of health and wellness. Students will engage in a variety of organized physical activities, including a bi-semester fitness assessment.  The overarching purpose of this course is to teach the knowledge and skills needed to make changes which will positively impact one’s health. Students will develop a Behavior Change Project that focuses on the 5 identification/assessment of health behaviors. Students will apply the concepts and strategies needed for healthy behavior change and participate in the process of working towards improving their own health.  One key goal of the behavior change project is to help students understand that behavior change is a slow process that can lead to improved health outcomes when realistic, timely, measurable, and specific goals are established. Learning outcomes are measured through exams, quizzes, projects, presentations, and participation.  The Behavior Change Project will continue into WELL 102. In addition to the curricular components of this course, students will also be expected to engage in co-curricular programs and activities integrated with Student Life, Resident Life, Campus Life, Counseling Services, the Labor Program, Student Financial Aid Services, and the Campus Christian Center.


1/2 Course Credit