Transfer Credit for Continuing Students

A student currently enrolled at Berea who wishes to transfer credit earned at another regionally accredited institution must submit a Transfer of Credit Application with approval signatures from the Academic Advisor and the Department Chair for the department in which the course would be offered at Berea. The form must be submitted to the Registrar's office prior to enrollment in the course to be transferred. The following policies apply to courses taken elsewhere:

  • Only courses and earned credits completed with a grade of C or higher at a regionally accredited institution.
  • Eight (8) of the last eleven (11) courses required for completion of the degree must be earned in residence at Berea College. Exceptions can be approved by the Student Admission and Academic Standing Committee.
  • Credit is transferred only on the basis of an official transcript mailed directly to: Office of the Registrar, CPO 2168, Berea College, Berea, KY 40404. It is the student's responsibility to request this document from the institution where the course was taken.
  • Only credit is transferred to Berea; not grades or quality points. Transfer credit is not used in computing the GPA at Berea College and higher grades will not replace lower grades on the Berea transcript.
  • Credit cannot be given for any course that is the equivalent of a course previously completed at Berea College.
  • Any course in which a grade of ‘F’ has been earned at Berea can only be repeated at Berea. 
  • Current students may not meet Developmental Math requirements with transfer work.
  • In general, transfer courses must be the equivalent of 0.75 credits in order to meet any General Education or Major requirement (Course Credit and Equivalent).