Arts Perspective

AFR 141 African-American Lit (ENG) 1 Course Credit
AFR 234 Afr-Amer Mus:Overview(MUS) 1 Course Credit
APS 213 Appalachian Crafts (TAD) 1 Course Credit
APS 224 Appalachian Music (MUS) 1 Course Credit
ARH 210 Topics in Islamic Art & Archit 1 Course Credit
ARH 215 History of Printmaking 1 Course Credit
ARH 230 Topics in Latin American Art 1 Course Credit
ARH 232 Classical Art & Archaeology 1 Course Credit
ARH 242 Medieval Art 1 Course Credit
ARH 243 Women in Art (WGS) 1 Course Credit
ARH 249 Topics in Asian Art (AST) 1 Course Credit
ARH 262 Italian Renaissance Art & Arc. 1 Course Credit
ARH 265 Baroque Art & Architecture 1 Course Credit
ART 134 Fibers & Color Theory 1 Course Credit
ART 135 Illusionistic Drawing/Painting 1 Course Credit
ART 136 Printmaking & 2D Composition 1 Course Credit
ART 137 Sculpture and Intermedia 1 Course Credit
AST 206 Intro to Asian Cinema 1 Course Credit
AST 249 Topics in Asian Art (ARH) 1 Course Credit
CFS 238 Human Environments II 1 Course Credit
CLS 222 Classical Mythology (REL) 1 Course Credit
COM 211 Broadcast Journalism I 1 Course Credit
CSC 111 Storytelling-Comp Animation 1 Course Credit
ENG 110 Intro to Literature in English 1 Course Credit
ENG 124 Intro to Creative Writing 1 Course Credit
ENG 141 African-American Lit (AFR) 1 Course Credit
ETAD 180  Graphic Com and Design  1 Course Credit 
ETAD  202 Photography  1 Course Credit 
ETAD 213  Appalachian Crafts (APS)  1 Course Credit
FRN 320 Panorama of French Lit I 1 Course Credit
FRN 321 Panorama of French Lit II 1 Course Credit
FRN 325 Seventeenth Century Frn Lit 1 Course Credit
FRN 330 Nineteenth Century French Lit 1 Course Credit
FRN 340 Twentieth Century French Lit 1 Course Credit
GER 320 German Poetry 1 Course Credit
GER 325 German Narrative Prose 1 Course Credit
GER 330 German Drama 1 Course Credit
GER 340 German Novel 1 Course Credit
HHP 245 Dance Education 1 Course Credit
HHP 248 World Dance 1 Course Credit
HHP 249 Dancing Through Space & Time 1 Course Credit
HHP 305 Improvisation & Choreography 1 Course Credit
MUS 106 World Music 1 Course Credit
MUS 115 Intro to Music Literature 1 Course Credit
MUS 147 Music & Culture of the 90's 1 Course Credit
MUS 224 Appalachian Music (APS) 1 Course Credit
MUS 232 American Popular Music 1 Course Credit
MUS 234 Afri-Amer Mus:Overview (AFR) 1 Course Credit
REL 110 Religion and the Arts 1 Course Credit
REL 222 Classical Mythology (CLS) 1 Course Credit
SPN 315 Intro to Spanish Literature 1 Course Credit
SPN 320 Peninsular Literature I 1 Course Credit
SPN 321 Peninsular Literature II 1 Course Credit
SPN 330 Spanish American Literature I 1 Course Credit
SPN 331 Spanish American Literature II 1 Course Credit
SPN 340 The Novel 1 Course Credit
THR 222 Per St:Telling Stories (COM) 1 Course Credit
THR 331 Film Production: Documentary 1 Course Credit
WGS 243 Women in Art (ARH) 1 Course Credit