Administrative Officers

The President of the College has executive responsibility for all College operations and for the implementation of the policies and mandates of the Board of Trustees, which is vested with ultimate authority and responsibility for the College.

In addition to the President, there are ten administrative officers of the College. A brief description of their duties follows:

Provost: As senior academic officer of the College, the Provost has administrative responsibility for planning, coordinating, and evaluating the educational programs of the College; for the oversight and integration of all educational support offices and outreach services; and in collaboration with the Dean of Faculty, for the recruitment, hiring, and professional development of the faculty. The Provost reports to the President, serves as a key member of the senior administrative team and as an integral part of the institution's decision-making process. In the absence of the President, the Provost acts as the senior administrative officer of the College.

Dean of Faculty: Has administrative responsibility for the College's teaching faculty and provides leadership for academic divisions and departments. Also has responsibility for faculty workload; performance review of the teaching faculty; and for all matters pertaining to the effectiveness and well-being of the faculty. The Dean reports to the President and works in conjunction with the Provost. The Dean is a member of the Administrative Committee and, as an Officer of the College, enjoys the equivalent rank of Vice President.

Vice President for Operations and Sustainability: The Vice President for Operations and Sustainability is responsible for the planning, budgeting, and oversight for the College’s businesses, auxiliaries, and administrative functions and for developing and executing the College’s sustainability strategies and programs (not including academic programs).

Vice President for Finance: As chief financial officer, is responsible for maintaining all financial records of the College and has authority to establish the methods by which such records shall be kept. Is responsible for the current collection and disbursement of all monies and shall act as custodian for all funds, stocks, and securities, and all other evidences of intangible property of the College.

Vice President for Student Life: Has charge of student affairs. Oversees Public Safety; plans and administers extracurricular programs and services for students; and oversees student residences and programs located in the halls, as well as Counseling Services and student health services outsourced to White House Clinic.

Vice President for Alumni, Communications and Philanthropy: Has charge of securing adequate funds for the operation of the College, of disseminating information about the College; and of expanding the circle of friends who are concerned with the welfare and development of the College.

Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Has charge of collaborating in hiring processes to achieve greater diversity within our work force. Also charged with collaborating on other initiatives to support diversity, inclusivity, and the full realizations of the 5th and 6th Great Commitments of Berea College. Has oversight of the Title VII/IX Office and Coordinator and Disability and Accessibility Services Office and Director.

Chief Strategy Officer: Serves as the administrator for the College's relationship with the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. Has oversight of strategic partnerships that leverage the College's outreach work to the Appalachian region, including: Partners for Education, Grow Appalachia, and the Brushy Fork Institute.

Chief Information Officer (CIO): Oversees Information Technology (IT) and works collaboratively with the Administrative Committee to provide Information Technology services for all divisions with special attention to the needs for Educational Technology support within the academic program.  

Dean of Labor: Provides leadership and oversight of the Student Labor Program and Student Payments and works collaboratively with all divisions to ensure Labor Program policies and procedures are aligned with the College's commitments, learning goals, workplace expectations, and federal regulations.