Office of the Registrar
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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2023-24

QBS 137 Applied Epidemiological Methods II

Computer laboratory-based course designed to provide hands-on experience performing epidemiological data analyses relevant to the theoretical/conceptual material presented in Foundations of Epidemiology II.  Students will complete laboratory exercises using epidemiological study data sets that guide them through descriptive data analyses, hypothesis testing within the context of a range of epidemiological study designs, causal inference methods, addressing confounding and effect modification, and power and sample size calculations. Analyses will be performed in the open-access programming language R. Course will meet once per week for 90 minutes. Note that this is a half-credit course designed to be taken at the same time as Foundations of Epidemiology II.

(0.5 Unit)


Dr. Anne Hoen


QBS 136. QBS 137 is taken in conjunction with QBS 131. Basic proficiency in R.