Grade Reports

Grade reports are issued to all students at the end of each term and may be accessed through the student portal. Deficient (D) and Failing (F) warning notices are sent to undergraduate students, their advisors, and the appropriate academic dean at the midterm period. Cumulative records are maintained for each student on individual transcripts.


Lindenwood University employs an integrated database system called CAMS. Grade cards are available through the student portals, as are transcripts, class schedules, and information about the business office statements and financial aid. Because grade reports are available online to all students, Lindenwood University no longer mails reports to students. If a student needs a copy of his/her grades for work reimbursement, a copy of his/her grades can be printed by the student from his/her portal and submitted for reimbursement. If the student’s employer will not accept the printed copy, the student should submit a written request to the Dean of Academic Services ( and a copy will be sent to the employer. The request must include the mailing address to which the report should be sent, student ID, term for which grades are requested, signature of the student making the request, and a call back number. The request can be faxed to (636) 949-4776. If students have any questions about their lionmail accounts or their student portals, they can contact