EDU 41000 Student Teaching

This course consists of observation, individual conferences, and supervised teaching in an early childhood setting, elementary middle and/or secondary school and a weekly student-teaching seminar. This practicum is designed to be the culminating experience in a student's teacher preparation program; thus students should have completed all of the courses necessary for the degree and certification prior to this course. The student is responsible for arranging and paying the expense of transportation to and from the assigned school. The student teacher's total academic load is limited to one course in addition to student teaching. Students seeking K-12 certification must teach at both the elementary and secondary levels. Special education majors will teach in a regular classroom and a special education classroom. Students must also participate in a pre-teaching experience prior to the official start of the student-teaching semester. In addition to enrolling for the student teaching course, an application must be submitted to the School of Education by the preceding semester of student teaching: February 1 for fall student teaching and September 1 for spring and summer student teaching. Students must successfully complete the Praxis exam prior to a student teaching placement being sought. Please see School of Education website for complete information on student teaching application process. A student teaching lab fee is required. Course enrollment must be approved by the Council of Teacher Education.




EDU 21500, 21501, 21502, or 21503 PRAXIS II Foliotek Seminar for Teacher Education, and EDU 38000 Pre-Student Teaching Practicum, and Writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) or ENG 21000. As of fall 2013, EDU 40400 is also required.


every fall and spring semester.