English Preparedness Program

Sara Marler-Rayfield , Chair

Program Description

To best serve the needs of the undergraduate international student community, the English Preparedness Program (EPP) provides both English as a second language (ESL) instruction and academic advising to undergraduate international students.

Upon arrival, all international students, regardless of their TOEFL scores, undergo on-site English language evaluation to assess classroom readiness and to assure appropriate placement in English classes. Based on the English language evaluation scores, a student may (1) enter directly into general education courses, (2) enroll in a combination of EPP courses and general education courses, (3) enroll in only EPP courses until the student’s language proficiency is such that he or she is prepared to enter general education courses, or (4) enroll in pre-college courses in the University’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program if necessary.

Note: No international student’s schedule will be confirmed until he or she has taken the English language placement exam. Students arriving after the placement exam has been administered must contact the EPP coordinator for information regarding immediate placement testing.

Non-native English speaking students’ placement into English courses depends on the students’ placement test scores, writing samples, and previous experience at institutions of higher education in the United States. Students whose placement exam scores indicate a beginning or intermediate English proficiency will be placed in the appropriate EPP courses.* Students who are placed in only EPP courses should not take any additional coursework other than Freshman Experience. Students who are placed into a combination of EPP and general education or other introductory coursework should take no more than 15 semester hours of coursework. All students who are enrolled in EPP courses will be advised by EPP faculty until they are prepared to be assigned to a content area advisor.

Students whose placement exam scores indicate advanced language proficiency will be placed in general education or other introductory content courses but may still be recommended for placement in EPP 11000 or EPP 15000 if their placement exam scores indicate that they would benefit from English courses with attention to second language learner issues. (Students whose English proficiency is assessed to be native-like will be recommended for placement in ENG 15000).

Students who place into EPP courses are promoted through the EPP curriculum based on exit exam scores, portfolio reviews, or professor recommendations.

*Students whose English language evaluation results indicate a level of English language proficiency below the level necessary for placement into EPP courses will be placed into courses within the University’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program, where they will receive pre-college English language instruction.

See the course descriptions section of this catalog for a complete description of the EPP courses listed below.

EPP 10000, EPP 10100, EPP 10500, EPP 10600, & EPP 12000

These courses count toward the student’s 128 credit hour requirement for graduation but do not fulfill general education requirements.

EPP 11000

Based on English placement scores, this course may be required prior to EPP 15000 or ENG 15000. This course counts toward the student’s 128 credit hour requirement for graduation, but does not fulfill the Strategies for University Writing (ENG 15000) general education requirement and is counted as an elective.

EPP 15000

Equivalent to ENG 15000, with attention to ESL issues

This course counts toward the student’s 128 credit hour requirement for graduation and fulfills the general education Strategies for University Writing (ENG 15000) requirement. This course is equivalent to (not a prerequisite for) ENG 15000. Students receiving a C or better in this course are eligible to take ENG 17000.