Master of Arts in Education Model I: Certification Areas

Model I provides add-on certification after initial certification has been earned. Model I programs are advanced programs for educators who have had experience in either elementary or secondary schools. A student may complete coursework required to be recommended and/or apply for Missouri DESE teacher certification in reading, an area of special education, early childhood education, early childhood special education, or gifted education. In Model I, elective courses are selected from courses required for specialized certification. The program is designed to enable the educator to extend his/her knowledge, skills, and understanding of the process of teaching and learning.

Model I allows the graduate student, in accord with a faculty advisor, to design a portion of the program according to individual needs and career goals. Students admitted to Model I must hold a valid teaching certificate and be presently involved in an educational setting or have worked within one in the last three years. The program includes the four core courses required of all graduate students in Education. The remaining credit hours will be selected by the student in consultation with the advisor from existing graduate courses to meet state certification standards for application to the selected program.


Core Curriculum

All students seeking a Master of Arts in Education are required to complete the following courses:

EDU 50500Analysis of Teaching and Learning Behavior


EDU 51000Conceptualization of Education



EDU 51010Conceptualization of Education for Beginning Teachers


EDU 57000Educational Research


EDU 52000Curriculum Analysis and Design



EDU 60000Master's Project