Institutional Scholarships and Grants

Lindenwood University offers a 50 percent scholarship to all persons age 60 and over. The University also offers partial institutional grants for employees of selected companies, municipalities, and school systems. These grants may only be applied toward courses taken for credit and do not apply to courses that are audited, taken online, or taken at the doctoral level. Any other funding may first replace the Lindenwood University funding. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the admissions counselor of any scholarship opportunities for which the student may be eligible.

The purpose of the Lindenwood University grant program is to make it possible for the student to earn a college degree when it would otherwise be financially prohibitive to do so. In short, an LU grant (institutional partnership, merit, and need-based gift aid) is intended to fill a college funding gap and enable a student with need to pursue a college education. The gap is the difference between the total cost of tuition and the sum of all personal and outside funding available to the student. The LU grant is based on an academic partnership memoranda and merit and need-based financial aid, after all personal and outside underwriting sources are accessed.  When the student becomes eligible for additional outside support, that revenue reduces the student’s “funding gap,” and the LU grant is reduced by the amount of the new money, per the policy below. The intent is for Lindenwood and the student to share equitably in covering the cost of the student’s college education.