Admission Process

  1. Application is made for full-time day study and a specific area of specialization.
  2. Completed online applications and supporting materials are submitted to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) by deadline set annually.

See Application Process and Requirements

  1. Admissions Committee reviews all applications and makes its decision based on submitted materials. The OSA is notified of admission decisions and informs candidates accordingly.
  2. Applicants receive an email notification by the deadline set by Admissions Committee that the admissions decision is available to view.
  3. Applicants indicate acceptance of admission and deposit fees online to confirm their place prior to deadline set by the OSA.
  4. Applicants complete any pre-requisite requirements in human anatomy, human physiology, microbiology,  human growth and development, human nutrition, and undergraduate statistics or indicate plan to enroll in course prior to matriculation. All but 2 prerequisites must be completed in order an application to be reviewed. Prerequisites may be completed the summer prior to admission.

*For ABSN to MS see “Policy for ABSN Students to Articulate into the DNP or MS Programs.”

[Policy updated June, 2014]