5-3 Committee Descriptions

(a) Course and Curriculum Review Committee

(i) Membership

This committee shall be composed of five (5) members. Two (2) members will be elected from each of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Nursing. One (1) member will be elected as a member-at-large.

(ii) Purposes

The purposes of the Course and Curriculum Review Committee are to review new and revised courses and curricula and to determine the impact on Institute programming and congruence with the Institute's mission. The CCRC will also assist the Office of the Registrar in maintaining accurate course listings in the Institute Catalog.

(b) Faculty Governance and Academic Policies Committee

(i) Membership

This committee shall be composed of five (5) members. Two (2) members will be elected from each of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Nursing. One (1) member will be elected as a member-at-large.

(ii) Purposes

The purposes of this committee are to review and make recommendations for updates to the Faculty Bylaws every three (3) years, review other policies and procedures related to faculty governance as necessary, make recommendations to the Senate and Provost; and to review academic policies and make recommendations to the Senate for action. The committee is also charged with verifying that approved changes (resulting from committee recommendations) are included in the next published version of Institute documents.

(c) Appointment and Promotion Committee

(i) Membership

This committee shall be composed of nine (9) members. The composition of the committee shall include: two (2) Professors, one (1) to be elected from each School; two (2) Associate Professors, one (1) to be elected from each School; two (2) Assistant Professors, one (1) to be elected from each School; three (3) members will be elected as members-at-large and must hold a minimum rank of Associate Professor.

(ii) Purposes

The purposes of this committee are to:

(A) Make recommendations to the Senate regarding criteria for: 1) initial assignment to academic rank, and 2) promotion of faculty members.

(B) Make recommendations to the Provost regarding: 1) initial appointment to academic rank (Associate Professor and Professor), and 2) promotion of faculty members.

 (iii) Process

(A) Members of the committee will participate in decision-making for 1) initial appointment to academic rank, and 2) promotion according to the procedure described in the Standing Rules. The committee shall determine what documentation is required to evaluate a candidate’s qualifications for rank using the Appointment and Promotion Criteria. The necessary documentation is described in the Procedures for Promotion, Section II. Documentation.

  (B) Initial Appointments (for rank of Associate Professor and Professor)

1. The committee shall make recommendations to the Provost regarding the appropriate rank for initial appointment of Associate Professors and Professors.

(C) Promotions

1. The committee shall make recommendations to the Provost regarding promotions of faculty members. If members of the committee are seeking promotion, those members shall not serve on the Committee during the academic year in which they apply for promotion.

(d) Hearing Committee

(i) Membership

This committee shall be composed of three (3) members who will be responsible for convening hearing panels on an as needed basis.

A. Terms of Office

These members shall be elected by the Faculty to serve three (3) year terms. One (1) member will be elected from each of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Nursing. One (1) member will be elected as a member-at-large. Members of the Hearing Committee are responsible for forming Hearing Panels to respond to both faculty and student issues. The Hearing Committee will select a chairperson who will convene all Hearing Panels and, if available, serve as panel chair.

B. Panel Composition

1. The Hearing Committee members shall serve as the three (3) faculty representatives on the panel. Should any member need to recuse himself/herself or is unavailable, additional panel members will be chosen from the Senate membership. In the event that the Committee Chair is not serving on a Hearing Panel, another member of the Hearing Committee will chair that panel. When required to resolve student issues, student members shall be selected by a discretionary process to be determined by the Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs.

2. If a problem resolution proceeding is in progress when a committee or panel member’s term is completed, such member shall continue to serve until the proceedings of the committee are completed.

(e) Nominating Committee

(i) Membership

This committee shall consist of five (5) members. Two (2) members shall be elected from each of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Nursing. One (1) member will be elected as a member-at-large. Members shall serve three (3) year terms and are not eligible to succeed themselves. Approximately one-third (1/3) of the members shall be elected each year.

(ii) Purposes

The purpose of this committee is to nominate candidates and conduct elections for Senate committees, Senate officers, and any other elected positions of the Faculty. This committee is also responsible for the conduct of special elections. The committee shall identify and develop faculty leaders.