Outside Professional Activities

The Institute recognizes that outside professional activities can be beneficial for the faculty member’s scholarship and for the Institute. Full-time faculty members may arrange their schedules to participate in outside activities no more than the equivalent of one day per week during the faculty member’s appointment period. The faculty member may receive compensation for these outside activities.

Outside professional activities policies apply to full-time faculty on 12-month appointments and full-time faculty on 10-month appointments during the academic year. Faculty members on 10-month appointments may, during the summer months, engage in teaching (including extra service pay at the Institute), research, professional practice, and other activities of their own choosing. Outside professional activities within the faculty member’s appointment period are planned annually by the faculty member and his/her department chair or dean. These activities are based upon two criteria:  

  • The activities further the development of the individual as a faculty member at the Institute, and
  • The activities further the mission of the Institute.

It is a conflict of commitment to be employed to teach at another school on site or on line independent of the Institute while serving as a full-time faculty member at the Institute. From time to time exceptions may be made. The procedure for exceptions includes review of the plan with the appropriate director, department chair, or dean and requires approvals by the appropriate department chair or dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members may go on an academic leave and serve as visiting faculty at another school with permission of the department chair, director, or dean and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty may hold honorary academic titles at other colleges and universities.

Reviewed and updated 1/23/2009