CE1. Grades and Performance Evaluation


All full-time Clinical Education courses required as part of the DPT degree are offered on a Pass/Fail basis.

These courses are:

  • PT 741n Clinical Experience I
  • PT 742n Clinical Experience II
  • PT 843n Clinical Internship

The integrated clinical education component of all courses will be graded pass/fail and students must meet the objectives for these clinical experiences to pass the course.

In all clinical education courses, the DCE makes the final determination of course grade based on written and verbal performance feedback and assessment provided by clinical faculty and student. Objectives for each clinical education course are contained in the course syllabus.

Evaluation of Student Performance

Each clinical education experience includes both a written clinical instructor evaluation and a written student self-assessment. Another source of student evaluation is through DCE discussions with clinical instructors and students during clinical experiences.

Clinical Instructor Evaluation of Student Performance

Clinical Instructors complete formal evaluations of student performance at least twice during each clinical education experience, at midterm and final. These evaluations are discussed with the student and reviewed by the DCE at the completion of the clinical experience prior to issuing a grade for the clinical experience. More frequent evaluation may be performed at the discretion of the clinical instructor (CI), Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE), or upon the request of the DCE.

Student Self-Assessment of Clinical Performance

Each student is expected to assess his/her own clinical performance and complete formal evaluations at midterm and final points in each clinical education experience. Students should be prepared to discuss this self assessment with the CI at the midterm and final evaluation conferences. More frequent self-evaluation may be required at the discretion of the CI/CCCE or the DCE.