Appendix A: Functional Living Lab

Functional Living Lab

The Functional Living Lab is the site of the Occupational Therapy Center for Learning, Participation, and Rehabilitation (OT CLiPR).  When the Center is not seeing clients, the space is used for classes, lab sessions, and research activities.  The classroom space is shared with all academic programs.


Functional Living Lab Usage

The Functional Living Lab contains classroom space that is utilized by all programs at the Institute.  The FLL is reserved for the Occupational Therapy Department during Clinical Center and Open Lab hours.


Equipment and Supplies

It is the expectation that all students who use the FLL during clinic and open lab hours restore the area upon completion of use.  This includes following departmental protocols for proper sterilization and cleaning, as well as updating inventory with assistance from the OT graduate assistant or program coordinator, as appropriate (see section 17.1.)


Supplies and equipment may not be removed from the FLL without explicit permission of OT faculty or staff.


Students are responsible to adhering to the protocols and restrictions for use of FLL equipment.  A binder with owner’s manuals to most of the FLL equipment, including the kitchen appliances, is located next to the microwave.


FLL Lab Use Restrictions

  • Students are not permitted to store personal food (including lunches,) in the FLL refrigerator or cabinets.
  • Students are not permitted to utilize the FLL kitchen unless supervised by OT Faculty as part of a class or clinical activity.
  • The FLL can only be utilized by students for class, open lab, and clinical activities.


Health and Safety

Students are responsible for maintaining their own safety and the safety of others in all laboratory activities.

They are expected to dress appropriately for class and lab activities.  They are responsible for identifying health conditions which they may have for which precautions or contraindications may be considered and for developing appropriate adaptations or requesting necessary accommodations.



The Functional Living Lab is located in 2 Constitution Center (2CC). A fire extinguisher is located under the kitchen sink in the Functional Living Lab.  A small first aid kit is located in the kitchen in a labeled drawer closest to the window. 


In case of an emergency, contact MGH Police & Security at 2CC at (617) 643-9970.  If necessary, students may also contact MGH Police & Security in the Shouse Building (Building 36) at (617) 726-0528.  Notify security of your location in 2CC and ask for appropriate assistance.


Infection Control and Standard Precautions

It is the responsibility of all individuals to comply with Standard Precautions. An alcohol or bleach-based disinfectant will be used after all client and equipment contact.


Hand Disinfection/Hand Washing 

An alcohol-based disinfectant will be used after all client and equipment contact.  If contaminated with blood or body fluids, hands should be washed under running water, using soap and friction for at least 15 seconds.  Faucets will be turned off using paper towels, and the alcohol-based disinfectant must be reapplied. 


Hand Disinfection Procedure: 

    • Release enough hand gel into the palm to rub over both hands and up to ½ inch above the wrists (Generally this is one “pump” from the dispenser)
    • Rub hands together briskly until dry, ensuring coverage of all surfaces of hands, fingers and wrist
    • No rinsing required
    • No towels required


Hand washing Procedure:

  • Turn on facet using warm (not hot) water
  • Wet hands
  • Keeping hand lower than elbows, apply soap
  • Scrub vigorously for at least 15 seconds, using friction over all surfaces of the hands and wrist, with attention to fingertips and nails
  • Rinse thoroughly in a downward position
  • Turn off faucet with paper towel
  • Dry hands with paper towels
  • Re-apply hand disinfectant


Cleaning Schedule

The Functional Living Lab is cleaned daily by cleaning staff contracted by the building managers of 2CC. The FLL kitchen refrigerator is on a regular cleaning schedule, which is a service also provided by the cleaning staff. A graduate assistant, hired by the department, is responsible for neatening and spot cleaning of the lab. All faculty and staff are responsible for reporting to Institute Facilities instances of the FLL not being cleaned through the help ticket system.


Equipment and Supplies

Student clinicians and faculty provide services to clients using adaptive equipment and supplies, general reusable clinical supplies, and other equipment as needed. All reusable supplies and adaptive equipment are inspected and maintained by the OT Functional Living Lab graduate assistant and OT Program Coordinator. The larger equipment is inspected on an annual basis by an outside vendor, which is arranged by the Institute Facilities Department.


  • Linen. Clean linen will be covered at all times. Linens will be changed after each patient use. Dirty linen must be deposited in designated laundry bins after use.


  • Cleaning between clients. All equipment will be wiped down with germicidal disposal wipes after each client use. If equipment is known to be soiled or is visibly soiled the surface must be cleaned using an approved disinfectant (Virex.) All reusable supplies are disinfected with Virex 256 for 10 minutes contact time and rinsed with water prior to drying.


  • Toys. Toys will be disinfected with Virex 256 for 10 minutes contact time and rinsed with water prior to drying.All toys used in the center need to be washable.Plush toys, cloth toys, and stuffed animals are not allowed.Children may bring in their own plush or cloth toy for single use by that child.


Use of Physical Agents

All physical agents may be used ONLY in the presence of an authorized lab instructor who is a licensed occupational therapist and who is certified to utilize physical agent modalities.


Body Mechanics

Students are responsible for adhering to appropriate body mechanics at all times.


Lab Dress Code

Students must dress appropriately for lab in clean attire. Long hair must be pinned back and dangling jewelry must be removed. Fingernails must be short. Shoes should be closed at the toe.  Shirts that expose the midriff or breasts, and pants that do not adequately cover the body when bending/stooping are not acceptable.  Some lab sessions may require that students wear clothing, such as a tank top, that allows free movement and access to the body parts being studied.


HIPAA and OSHA Training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is legislation that mandates the standards and requirements for the electronic transmission of certain health information.  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training instructs students about general infection control principles and their management.


You will complete these trainings in HealthStream either before or during New Student Orientation.  Information regarding these trainings will be included in the Institute’s prematriculation information and requirements.


Other Policies and Procedures

Students are required to follow all policies and procedures related to the use of the FLL and other MGH IHP clinical education space. These include, but are not limited to, policies and procedures for the OT Center for Learning, Participation and Rehabilitation (OT CLiPR), as well as for the MGH IHP Interdisciplinary Clinical Center.