3-2 Chair-elect of the Faculty

The Chair-Elect shall be elected and will serve a 1-year term as Chair-Elect prior to succeeding to the office of Chair. The Chair-elect shall work with the Chair to conduct the business of the Faculty, and shall assume such duties as delegated by the Chair. If requested by the Chair, the Chair-elect may serve ex officio on standing committees of the Faculty, except for the Nominating Committee, and shall assist the Chair in his or her duties, as requested.

If the Chair is temporarily absent, the Chair-elect shall assume the duties of the Chair. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair-elect, the Clerk shall succeed to the Chair-elect for the unexpired portion of the term and then complete his or her term as Chair-elect in the succeeding year.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chair Elect one of the following will occur:

  1. If the vacancy occurs between June (after the installment of new officers) and November then a special election will be held to fill the position.

  2. If the vacancy occurs between December and June (prior to the installment of new officers) then the following will occur:

    1. The current chair will be asked to remain in the position of chair for an additional year. If the current chair agrees to remain in the position for an additional year, an election will be held to elect a new chair elect

    2. If the current chair declines remaining in the position of Chair for an additional year, an election will be held for both the position of Chair and Chair elect.

    3. Depending on timing of when the vacancy occurs, elections to fill the vacated positions may be held during the normal election process or may require a special election.